Next Week in Edutainment | April 15 - April 19


We connect students around the world to primary source experts from a wide variety of topics and subjects. For more information, visit


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Edutainment Podcast

Our podcast features bi-weekly episodes that are uploaded to all major streaming platforms. Each episode comes with a downloadable student worksheet to accompany the listening portion!


Felipe Fernández-Armesto (London, 1950) is a historian and William P. Reynolds Chair of Arts and Letters at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). He previously held the Prince of Asturias Chair at Tufts University in Boston and was a visiting professor at several North American universities. He has been distinguished, among other awards, with the World History Association Book Prize (2007) and the Grand Cross of the Order of Alfonso X El Sabio (2016). His books include Columbus on Himself (Folio Society, 1992), Columbus (Duckworth, 1996) and Cristobal Colón(ABC, 2004).


Millard is a Filmmaker, Actor, and Pilot from Las Vegas, Nevada. He is a veteran who served in the US Army flying the Apache Helicopter, the most advanced military helicopter in the world. As a Cameraman and Drone Operator, TJ has worked on various films and television shows.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Edutainment Learning? Edutainment Learning is an online educational platform that connects students and teachers to primary sources of learning from a wide variety of subjects. Our goal is to provide students access to in-person conversations with industry leaders, historical figures, athletes, musicians, and more.

  • Do I need to pay for this service? No! Our newsletter, programming, and student worksheets are accessible to everyone for free.

  • How do I join the live Zoom sessions? Go to and click the link to join.

  • How do I find the student worksheets? Go to to download free student worksheets.


All you need to know about focusing on your self-care!


Next Week in Edutainment | April 8 - April 12