Colēgia Student Features

Thank you all for consistently using Colēgia and providing feedback!

We would like to share the newest updates with you:

1. FAST and i-Ready Scores — Starting today, users have the ability to see the scores for both FAST and i-Ready tests both on the web and on mobile.
a. Students can see their own scores.
b. Parents can see the scores for their claimed students.

2. Mobile Updates — The Colēgia team has ensured that all the features that are currently available on web are also available on the mobile app for Android, iPhones, and iPads. Whenever students log into Colēgia on an iPhone or iPad, they will be alerted that there is a Colēgia app and will be prompted to download the app.

3. Colēgia Alumni — We are going to be onboarding several high schools to the pilot Colēgia Alumni group. This will be a secure way for schools to stay up to date with alumni. Academica, Colēgia, and networks will provide networking events and any professional development workshops.

4. Gradebook — Gradebook for Broward County and Orange County are now available for students and parents through the Web. Mobile is coming soon!

As always, please feel free to reach out for support or questions. Students/Staff can contact the following:
• For Tech Support:
• For General Questions and Information:

Thank you,
Colēgia Team


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