Colēgia TV Weekly - Episodes 10 and 11 Available!

Episodes 10 and 11 of Colegia TV Weekly are now available to stream from the "TV" button on your Colegia Dashboard and Colegia mobile app (available on the iPhone and Android app stores).  

For Episode 11, it's Las Vegas Week!  So much content, and such great new team members from outstanding Nevada schools.  Pinecrest Sloan Canyon hosts the 3/3 episode from its campus in Henderson, NV.  The show additionally features students from Mater Bay and Mater Brickell in South Florida and Nevada schools: Mater Bonanza,  Mater East Las Vegas, Mater Mountain Vista, Pinecrest Cadence,  Pinecrest Springs, and SLAM! Nevada.  The main story looks into concerns regarding the health of Pope Francis.  Plus, we participate in a walk for type 1 diabetes awareness, visit with two rare librarians, and recap an amazing trip to the Silver State.  This is a must-watch episode.


Episode 10 - SLAM! Boca hosts this episode of Colegia TV Weekly from its studio in Boca Raton, Florida.  The main story explores a remarkable flu season with contributions from three Mater Academy schools (Brighton Lakes, Cutler Bay, and Brickell).  Plus, we celebrate a big robotics win with Pinecrest North Prep, drop in on two "justice"-themed special events at the University of Miami, and look back on the first ten episodes of this groundbreaking new student newscast.   The break features remarkable public service announcements from Doral Academy Prep and Mater Academy Cutler Bay.   

Prior episodes include host schools: 

  1. Mater Bay Academy in Cutler Bay Florida

  2. Somerset Academy in Pembroke Pines, Florida

  3. Pinecrest North Preparatory in Miami-Dade County, Florida

  4. Somerset Oaks Academy in Homestead, Florida

  5. Pinecrest Glades Academy in West Miami-Dade, Florida

  6. Mater Brickell Academy in Miami, Florida

  7. Mater Academy Middle/High in Hialeah Gardens, Florida

  8. Pinecrest Academy South in West Miami-Dade, Florida

  9. Doral Academy Prep (Middle School) in Doral, Florida

This is Colegia TV News...

All episodes are available on the main page of Colegia TV, which is accessible from the "TV" button on your dashboard and mobile app.   With your login information, you can also reach Colegia TV on the web at


Students participate in Colegia Initiatives such as these through the school in which they are enrolled, with the school's permission and oversight.  To submit news features, PSAs, or story ideas for consideration—or to find out more about getting involved in the Broadcasting Initiative, Colegia TV, the "Colegia TV Weekly" news show, or Season 8 of "Telemundo Academy"—please have school leadership email


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