Colēgia TV Weekly - Episode 12 Available!

Episode 12 of Colegia TV Weekly is now available to stream from the "TV" button on your Colegia Dashboard and Colegia mobile app (available on the iPhone and Android app stores).  

Academica International Edition (Dual Diploma Italy). This is possibly our best ever.  Mater Bay News Network's studio in Cutler Bay, Florida hosted special anchors from Italy visiting Mater schools in South Florida from the Academica International Studies Dual Diploma program. We bring you our first sports feature celebrating dual state basketball championships from Mater East Las Vegas.  We visit the Academica stage at the Carnival on the Mile in Coral Gables, Florida.  We discuss pending e-bike legislation in Nevada.  And, our main story focuses on six Colegia-supported schools competing in the Student Television Network Annual Conference in Tampa, Florida.  This episode features students and stories from: Academica International Studies, COHEA, Doral Academy Prep, Mater Academy Middle/High. Mater Bay, Mater Biscayne, Mater East Las Vegas, Pinecrest Glades, Pinecrest Springs, Somerset Academy Prep, Somerset Preparatory Academy Homestead, Somerset Oaks, and more.

Prior episodes include host schools: 

  1. Mater Bay Academy in Cutler Bay Florida

  2. Somerset Academy in Pembroke Pines, Florida

  3. Pinecrest North Preparatory in Miami-Dade County, Florida

  4. Somerset Oaks Academy in Homestead, Florida

  5. Pinecrest Glades Academy in West Miami-Dade, Florida

  6. Mater Brickell Academy in Miami, Florida

  7. Mater Academy Middle/High in Hialeah Gardens, Florida

  8. Pinecrest Academy South in West Miami-Dade, Florida

  9. Doral Academy Prep (Middle School) in Doral, Florida

  10. SLAM! Boca in Boca Raton, Florida

  11. Pinecrest Sloan Canyon, Henderson, Nevada

This is Colegia TV News...

All episodes are available on the main page of Colegia TV, which is accessible from the "TV" button on your dashboard and mobile app.   With your login information, you can also reach Colegia TV on the web at


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