5 Tips to Handle Anxiety

Every now and then we may face anxiety as a student. Expectations may be high but we can't let them affect our performance or our mental health. Today we want to focus on 5 tips to help handle anxiety.


Slowing Down Your Pace

One of the largest issues with anxiety is that it can be easy to get in the mindset where it feels like things keep speeding up. While there are a lot of things we need to do daily, it can be easy to tunnel vision on what has yet to come. An alternative to this is to try slowing down and seeing what you can accomplish within the moment. This can be something as simple as not rushing a test or by taking more time to study for an exam. Sometimes you may want to slow down on your homework so you can understand each individual question more. This can help you relax your mind and build up to a more steady pace for the activities that require it.

“While there are a lot of things we need to do daily, it can be easy to tunnel vision on what has yet to come.”


Focus On What You Can Control

There is a useful concept within psychology known as “locus of control” which delves into the idea of understanding what is in your control. The internal locus of control focuses on the things that we are able to affect within our life. When it comes to anxiety we need to practice mindfulness over the things that we can change. For example, if we find ourselves stressed out in the presence of another student we can opt to try and distance ourselves from them so they don't upset us. If homework is making us nervous we can try to take short breaks to make it more manageable.

“When it comes to anxiety we need to practice mindfulness over the things that we can change.”


Don't Stress What is Out of Your Control

Tying into the locus of control subject, there is also an external locus of control. This includes things such as a pop quiz or what the weather or traffic is going to be like for any given day. While this can be frustrating, it is good not to let it get to you as much since there is only so much influence you have over them. A good technique to do is focus on your breathing to help you stay in the moment.

“A good technique to do is focus on your breathing to help you stay in the moment.”


Cherish Your Friendships

For many people, friendship can make a substantial difference for handling anxiety. It can give you time to decompress and relax while also participating in hobbies that are enjoyable. Friends can help provide meaning in your life while also making it easier to handle stress in the process. They can help you get through your most difficult moments along with celebrating your greatest victories.

“Friends can help provide meaning in your life while also making it easier to handle stress in the process.”


Enjoy The Little Things

Anxiety can make it difficult to enjoy many things in life, more specifically the little things. Simple things such as having food and water are something we need to cherish, along with being educated. Whenever we feel that anxiety is taking over, we need to take time to practice gratitude. These are just some of the many ways we can handle anxiety. While it's not something that will just go away, there are ways to manage it while still making the most out of life.




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