Hobbies And Personal Fulfillment

Life satisfaction is necessary for our overall sense of well-being. Many of us can find this in many different places and in a lot of cases it's something we want to have a sense of agency with. One way we can do that is by having hobbies that make us feel fulfilled. Personal fulfillment can look different for everyone since it depends on what we want out of a hobby and what the hobby itself is. Thankfully we're here to break it down.

Improving at What You Love

Getting good at something can feel immensely satisfying. Any hobby has some sort of initial barrier to try doing with some being harder than others. With that in mind, regardless of the difficulty, we need to start somewhere, and for many people, the act of improving oneself is its own reward. Exercise is a fantastic example of this since we're always getting better at what we do. It can be a matter of learning how to do a technique better, or simply seeing things in a different manner that's more productive. Our mindset transfers over to our success within a hobby which is all the more reason why we need to be receptive to the improvement process. Things take time and they're worth seeing through which is all the more reason to take hobbies at our own pace.

“Exercise is a fantastic example of this since we're always getting better at what we do.”

Learning New Skills

It's not just about improving though, it's about learning new skills from your hobbies and how they translate into other areas. Take a writing hobby for example, even when writing fiction for example, we're still building empathy because we're putting ourselves in multiple perspectives. We're also thinking about communication and expression as well because it's not just our own voice, but multiple being represented within a story. Sports can help us build endurance by focusing on repetition along with building up strength. Consistency is oftentimes the key factor in our success both in our hobbies and in school. We can't learn new things unless we put in an active effort to try and get outside of our comfort zone.

“It's not just about improving though, it's about learning new skills from your hobbies and how they translate into other areas.”

Enjoying Unique Communities

Even with all of these things that are intrinsically fulfilling, one benefit to our hobbies is that they help expose us to new people and new communities. There's a hobby out there for everyone which is good since it can bring people of all backgrounds together to do something fun. Team sports help build camaraderie which lets us work together with those around us. Solo hobbies can help us meet those who can teach us more about those interests while still being fun. Learning can be just as fun with others since we'll have someone we can bounce off of to motivate each other. We need people to help us grow and become our best possible selves and having spaces where we can simply do something we mutually enjoy is part of that process.




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