Taking Initiative For Your Happiness

Waiting on others for happiness can be a common mistake that we might make. As fun as it is to spend time with those around us, we can't depend on people for our happiness. A much better approach is to take the initiative not just for your happiness but also in life as well. Today we want to talk about some ways to do that and why it's so important.

Make Your Own Plans And Then Invite Others

Sitting around and waiting to be invited to something is setting ourselves up for failure. A much better approach is to make your own plans first and then invite others afterward. The reason for this is that it still gives you something to do and if someone else tags along then it's an added bonus. Going to movies is one such example of this since even if a friend doesn't show up you're still enjoying a good film. The same can be said for video games too. If someone wants to watch you play a game then that's awesome but if they're busy then you still have something to entertain you. Not relying on others can make you a lot more self-sufficient which allows you to reclaim your happiness and emotional stability in the process.

“A much better approach is to make your own plans first and then invite others afterward.”

Be The Trend Setter

Being a leader can be extremely empowering. Something good to keep in mind is that we're all the leaders of our own lives and that can help us find the path that works for us. Learning how to be the trendsetter in our friend group is a good thing since it allows us to be ourselves while still having fun. It gives us the chance to innovate and let our creative ideas come to life in an empowering manner. This takes initiative since we need to embrace the good new ideas as they come without worrying about judgment. It takes courage to be a trendsetter and we can only do this when we're confident about who we are and what we're trying to accomplish.

“Something good to keep in mind is that we're all the leaders of our own lives and that can help us find the path that works for us.”

Make Every Day Fun

Having a good reason to get out of bed and make the most of your day is important for many reasons. For one it can help establish proper motivation. This is necessary since it can help make our happiness more sustainable by giving us something we can look forward to. It also allows us to set aside enough time for the things that provide us with meaning and joy. Whether it's playing our favorite instrument or simply making a nice meal, every day can bring with it the chance for happiness. Recognizing what's in our locus of control is part of this as well since there's a lot we can do to take the initiative here. A good example of this is understanding what it is we value so we can specifically do that when we have spare time.




How To Be More Spontaneous


Investing In Your Well-Being