Being Courageous

At some point in life, there will be challenges that we'll face. Some are easier than others while some challenges can come at unexpected times. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to handle these moments but putting in the effort to do so can pay off immensely. Learning how to be courageous in the face of adversity is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Today we want to dive into why this quality is so essential for our lives.

Recognize The Things You Want To Change

There are many things in life that we have agency in. It takes a concentrated effort to know what specifically you want to change for the better. While change might sound hard, a bit of courage can help us steer our lives in the right direction. One of the most common goals many students have is to better themselves to ensure they have a good future. This can include working on building better habits along with striving towards your goals. In order to do these things it requires a proactive approach. Building better habits is a daily process since it can take time to have our actions in harmony with our thoughts. Likewise working on our goals requires us to be okay with taking some risks in order to get there. We need to be brave because it allows us to seize all the unique opportunities that are out there.

“There are many things in life that we have agency in.”

Conquer Your Anxieties

One of the biggest hurdles that many students face is negative thoughts. Approaching these can feel difficult at times and they can lead to a general sense of anxiety. Taking the time to understand and seek help for this is extremely important since it can help you make sense of your thoughts. Having the tools needed to take care of yourself by using proper breathing techniques alongside meditation can also make a profound difference. It takes courage to admit when we aren't feeling well and simply feeling heard by talking to someone about your thoughts can help immensely. The first step when doing something new can feel intimidating but with enough patience, kindness, and courage, it is possible to improve your life.

“Having the tools needed to take care of yourself by using proper breathing techniques alongside meditation can also make a profound difference.”

Embrace A Positive Mindset

Mentality is everything since it can determine whether our thoughts lead us toward positive action. Recognizing that we are capable of doing the things we put our minds to is an important part of empowerment. Sometimes we need someone else to help give us the push we need or to motivate us. Other times we'll need to rely on ourselves to work things out. Being courageous teaches us the value of learning how to be independent along with being self-sufficient. We want to let our thoughts work in harmony with our actions and in order to do that we have to be comfortable with our emotions as well. While yes there are things in life that can feel scary, it's important to acknowledge whether it's because of our perception, and we do have the ability to see things differently.




Respect And Manners


Slowing Down And Appreciating Simplicity