How to Build Intellectual Wellness

There are many different pillars of wellness and one that's most prevalent in school is intellectual wellness. This can be seen in many different shapes and forms and this can involve how receptive we are to it. School focuses more on teaching concepts whereas when we're outside of school we can apply these ideas more practically. Today we want to talk about some of the ways we can build intellectual wellness and how to use these concepts.

Be Involved With Your Classes

School is one of the easiest places we can build intellectual wellness since each of our classes teaches us about new subjects. A well-balanced curriculum can give us insight into how different subjects play their role in the world. Science gives us the means to look at and try to explain things using rational thought. Psychology helps us understand how our minds work. Reading gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in fictional worlds. All of these topics can help us in a wide variety of ways but to really make the most of them, we need to be involved with our classes. Asking questions and being more proactive by writing notes are small ways we can retain information. The same can be said for seeking extra credit assignments as well. Being receptive gives us the best chance of applying this knowledge when we truly need it.

“A well-balanced curriculum can give us insight into how different subjects play their role in the world.”

Make Time For Self-Development

Self-development is another helpful means of building intellectual wellness. While school gives us a more formal setting for learning, it's good to sometimes make the space needed to teach yourself about some things. Not every course covers what might be applicable to certain parts of our life and that's okay. One example of this is learning new skills in your free time. It can be something as simple as taking more time to educate yourself on communication skills or even just looking at how your work ethic is. Good morals and a sense of integrity can be the driving force for being more willing to better yourself.

“Self-development is another helpful means of building intellectual wellness.”

Always Be Willing to Learn

One of the overall goals that school is training us for is to be lifelong learners. It can take time and energy to learn new things but it's worth the effort since it can show us the value of independence. Being willing to learn requires us to consider our mindset. Flexibility plays a big role here since a receptive mind is an informed mind. Intellectual wellness can be worked on by us taking the time to read and experience more of the world around us. Reading gives us the means of immersing ourselves in the topic at hand and can give us context as to how it's applied. Other people can help us by listening to how they best handle challenges in their life. Making the time and giving yourself the mental space needed allows us to be more willing to learn about new things which can, in turn, make us happier.




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Being Cooperative