Using Stress Constructively

Stress is oftentimes something that is considered undesirable and difficult to manage. While this is true, there are ways we can use it to our advantage. Today we want to take some time to discuss how we can use stress constructively.

Using it as a Means of Motivation

Despite the negative connotation of stress, one form of it is considered good. Eustress is exactly that. This is the kind of feeling that we get when we are nervous about something good. An example of this is when we are concerned about our performance. We can use this constructively by channeling stress as a means of motivation. Rather than let performance anxiety get the better of us, we can use this as a means of improving. This is good because it effectively transforms what would otherwise be a potentially difficult activity as an opportunity to work on things. Motivation can give us a sense of purpose along with providing an intrinsic reward. Improvement can be viewed as its own reward which is how these two concepts specifically work with one another. Stress can keep us on track with our goals and give us the push we need to review our own motivation.

“Despite the negative connotation of stress, one form of it is considered good.”

Using it For Personal Efficacy

Stress has the effect of putting our brain on high alert mode but instead of letting the sensation of this distract us, we can look at it differently. One helpful way to rethink this is viewing stress as a means to prepare your body and mind for the task up ahead. While it's important to not let this be the determining factor to your success, we can still use it constructively. One example of this would be finding yourself in a new social situation. For some people, this can be a difficult experience which is perfectly okay. There are many things we need to keep in mind such as how well we know the others in the room along with the impression we want to make. Using this information without letting it affect us too much can be what makes all the difference. Using stress as a tool to keep us mindful rather than anxious can keep us aware of the parts that matter when making an impression.

“One helpful way to rethink this is viewing stress as a means to prepare your body and mind for the task up ahead.”

Using Stress as a Sign to Heal

By far one of the most practical applications of stress is that it can be used as a signal to heal. Stress signifies a change in our mindset along with our body physically reacting to it as well. This is important to recognize as depending on what type of stress it is will determine how we need to take care of ourselves. Acute stress for example is typically in the moment and is directly correlated to something happening. When this happens we may need to take a moment to relax and focus on our breathing. This can give us a moment of clarity to best tackle the thing at hand. Chronic stress on the other hand needs a combination of mindset shifts along with taking small steps to work towards our health. Stress is often something that is misunderstood but finding ways to make the best out of this can ultimately help us.




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