Why we Love Learning

There are many different things to appreciate about both school and our lives. From satisfying relationships, to doing something you are passionate about, to making memories, one element binds all of these together, and that is learning. Today we want to discuss why we love learning.

Learning Fosters Growth

Having a growth-focused mindset is good for many different reasons. The best way to foster this mind shift is by being open to learning new things. One way to do this is to make a note of all the things you enjoy and list them out. See what specifically interests you and what about it you care about. Chances are, that the process of learning and developing your passion for something was a good motivating factor. Being able to see how far you've come along with an assignment or task can be its own kind of reward along with the satisfaction itself of reaching the end of something. Both of these elements are needed for a growth type of mindset as we need to emphasize the importance of learning each step along with respecting how much we have grown by the time we reach the end.

“The best way to foster this mind shift is by being open to learning new things.”

Learning Develops Your Skills

Improvement goes along with a growth mindset and learning is the definitive way of honing your craft. When we first learn about a subject we typically have either little or surface-level knowledge which makes sense given our unfamiliarity. Being able to have an active interest in expanding your skillset is one way that learning can benefit us. In addition to that, it is simply fun to get better at something and know that you're doing well. A good example of this for many students is getting better at a sport or game. In a sport, we can see how we are doing by measuring our progress such as track or running. Getting a new record in track can highlight your progress in a meaningful way. Likewise, if a student is improving at a game this can translate to better consistency which can lead to other opportunities such as joining an Esports division.

“Improvement goes along with a growth mindset and learning is the definitive way of honing your craft.”

Learning Builds Happiness

Our happiness is a culmination of many different things. Emotional stability is one way to help keep us feeling well and at peace. Maintaining our health is another way to help with this as it affects us in a multitude of ways. Learning has a huge impact on our overall well-being because as people, we have an innate drive to experience new things. This is best highlighted by our desire to learn language when we are young. People want to be able to express and communicate their thoughts and experiences and this contributes to our desire to learn. School gives us a safe place to pursue our passions in an environment where other people want to do the same. It's also important to remember that even when we finish our academic journey, that we are always learning and it's good to recognize the positivity that it brings.




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