The Importance Of Having Free Time

When it comes to time it's good to think about how we're using it. Time is effectively the most important resource we have available since it allows us to manage when and where we are at any given moment. Sometimes it's possible to find ourselves too busy with the things we want to do. Today we want to talk about why it's so important to have free time along with some ways to help with this.

Free Time And Opportunity

One thing to consider is how often we find ourselves busy. Chances are that there's someone in our life that we want to spend time with but they might always find themselves doing things. While being productive and making the most of your time is good, we need to think about something known as opportunity cost. This concept revolves around the idea that when one option is chosen, then our other choices close off as a result. A simple example of this is that if we're spending time with a friend, we aren't spending time studying for an important test. While both of these are important for our social and intellectual well-being, we can't be in multiple places at once. We can opt to study beforehand to ensure we're giving someone our full attention as a means of balancing our lives. Having free time gives us the ability to let us choose what we value instead of trying to do too much at once.

“While being productive and making the most of your time is good, we need to think about something known as opportunity cost.”

Free Time And Our Relationships

Improving our relationships is one of the core aspects of a happy life. Like a garden, our relationships need to be tended to and treated with care. It's much easier to do this if we have the time to do so. Freeing up some of the tasks on our to-do list is one way to help with this since it can free us up with more time later. Managing how we use our time is a good way to work on this as well since the more aware we are, the better we can accomplish our goals. Planning out your week is one such way to do this since it gives us a clear idea of when we're going to be busy. While we're planning we can also set aside some extra time for anything that contributes to our well-being.

“Improving our relationships is one of the core aspects of a happy life.”

Free Time And Our Health

Having extra time to do what you want can be a good contributor to positive mental health. Many of us experience different forms of stress at varying points of the day and sometimes it can affect what we're trying to do. Spare time allows us to adapt to these feelings and it can help us decompress by doing something that helps us relax. Both our mental and physical health can benefit from having free time since it can give us the ability to work on whichever part of our well-being needs it the most. Cherishing our time by being aware of how it's used can give us the tools needed to have more of it when need be.




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