Unlocking Your Creative Potential

The creative side of our minds is one of our most powerful assets given that it helps us find unique solutions and new ways of thinking. School helps cultivate this with the myriad of different subjects that are provided. With that said, our creative potential lies with us and how we choose to use it. Today we want to see some good ways that we can harness this sort of creative energy within our lives.

How Motivation Plays A Role

Having the desire to do something is the spark we need in order to follow through with things. Oftentimes motivation can be a big hurdle with our creative projects since it can be complex to pin down. Recognizing whether it’s because we're tired or simply don't have the drive at this point in time is good to know. Focusing on the things within your control can make it easier to see what needs to be changed. Feeling well-rested can make it much easier to take time for our creative endeavors since it keeps our minds and bodies up to speed. Sometimes creative energy strikes at unexpected times and acting on that when we have the chance is important. A good example could be our mind feeling inspired at night and we wind up jotting down our thoughts on a notepad. Not only will this help us channel that creative energy but it can also clear our mind before bed.

“Having the desire to do something is the spark we need in order to follow through with things.”

Build Habits To Stay Consistent

Purely relying on motivation alone for our creative works isn't always the most sustainable. The thing with motivation is that it’s based on our emotional state which can fluctuate throughout the day. Another thing to keep in mind is the creative habits that we have since these can train our minds to see things more rationally. The benefit of this is that given enough time, little habits that we work on can become part of our day-to-day routine. This is necessary since it ensures that we're slowly but surely working on the different projects throughout the week. The discipline needed to work on something creative long-term is a key part of the process since it's a marathon rather than a sprint.

“The benefit of this is that given enough time, little habits that we work on can become part of our day-to-day routine.”

Improvise And Adapt

The different tools that are part of your creative kit can change depending on various technology. This is all the more reason why it’s so important to be able to improvise and adapt to new ways of thinking. This can help us stay more open-minded so that we can in turn use those perspectives within our works. Similar to how the world is in a constant state of change, so too do our creative works reflect that. The person we are today is different than who we are tomorrow because of our experiences and thoughts and how we relate to the world around us. Our creative potential is limitless and it's a matter of finding the right methods that work for us as an individual.




Recognizing Your Personal Power


Living Life Authentically