How to be a Positive Thinker

Our thoughts can have a profound impact on our overall happiness if we allow them to. Working on this can take a concentrated effort since we may need to filter through other thoughts to focus on the more constructive ones. Not every thought has the same weight but we can certainly try to shift our mindset in a manner that can help us. Today we want to talk about how we can be a more positive thinker and the benefits that go along with this.

Don't Give Attention to Negativity

Negativity can be a difficult thing to overcome at times. We might feel as if our thoughts are bringing us down and while this can happen at times we don't want to give attention to these thoughts. The key thing about negativity is that it can happen as a result of stress or our environment not being conducive to our well-being. Recognizing this is important since it allows us to distance ourselves from these thoughts so we can focus on being more objective and more kind to ourselves. We don't necessarily have to force a positive outlook but we need to not give as much weight to the things that disempower us. Positive thinking requires us to shed negative perspectives so we can see things more clearly from a lens of compassion.

“The key thing about negativity is that it can happen as a result of stress or our environment not being conducive to our well-being.”

Your Feelings Are Valid But Only Some Thoughts Are

Something good to remember is that our feelings are valid but only certain thoughts we have are. When we stop to consider how many thoughts we have throughout the day it’s probably more than we can reasonably count. With that in mind, how we feel can clue us into what our mind is focused on. Tuning into this by taking the time to meditate and reflect on both our experiences and senses can help us see things from a more zoomed-out perspective. Sometimes we need to tell ourselves that we are not our thoughts because it can help us reclaim our personal power and choose positivity when given the choice. This mindset shift can help increase our own self-awareness in the process.

“Something good to remember is that our feelings are valid but only certain thoughts we have are.”

Learning to be Okay Without Overthinking

Getting lost in thought can happen to anyone and that's okay. The important thing is learning how to be okay without overthinking things. As people, we're both rational and emotional and we need a balance of these to help us look at things from a healthier point of view. If we want our thoughts to lead to better outcomes sometimes we need to quiet the mind and focus on stillness. This approach can help us slow down our minds and get us back to a state of emotional stability. Breathing techniques work wonders for this and it's good to have a method we can rely on to recenter ourselves. Our mind is a muscle and we need to treat it with the same kind of kindness and respect it deserves and to do that we need to consciously choose care for it.




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Working Towards Personal Success