Being Active In Your Community

Our social network and the people we meet along the way contribute a great deal to who we become. When we're surrounded by people who love and accept us for who we are, we find it that much easier to express ourselves. If we want to have meaningful and lasting relationships we need to be active in the communities that we're part of. Today we want to talk about why this is so important along with some ways to do that.

Leadership Skills

Being in a community has many different skills that we can learn within it. A common one is leadership. When we're in charge of creating a community we find that we'll need to learn about the logistics behind it. It can be something along the lines of running a school club or an extracurricular activity. Time management is a part of this since when it comes to scheduling for a community, we want to take into account when most people are free. Keeping people updated on when events are happening is also important since things can come up as well. We need to be mindful of who's involved since even with the best plans we still need some flexibility. Good communities need leaders who are able to take charge while being mindful of the needs of the people within it.

“Being in a community has many different skills that we can learn within it.”

Building Lasting Relationships

Good communities help us build long-lasting relationships with each other. An example of this can be team sports and the cooperation we experience in those. Team sports can help us put the overall goal of performing our best with others above the need of just what we want. Relationships need compromise since both sides ideally would have their needs fulfilled. Sometimes we might have to find a middle ground for these things since we have to be aware of what others want too. A healthy relationship recognizes this and friends help each other when things become challenging. Long-lasting relationships are built on trust and closeness. Being active with those around us helps build these things which is why it's worth the effort.

“Good communities help us build long-lasting relationships with each other.”

A Sense Of Belonging

A healthy community makes people feel like they have a sense of belonging. A good metric for this is seeing how comfortable each of the members within a community feels with each other. Honesty is one such example of this since some people might feel better sharing more about themselves if they're comfortable. Having a space to freely express yourself is healthy since it makes it much easier to relate to one another. The more active we are in our communities the more likely we are to have this sense of belonging. It takes time to build this up along with the active effort of wanting to get to know others as well. People ultimately want to make friends which is why we need to focus on how we're able to add a sense of positivity and sincerity to the communities we're part of.




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