Being Open With Communication

Working on our social skills can help make life much easier for us given how often we interact with others. Something to keep in mind is how we handle communication. For some of us, it's a lot easier to talk with new people compared to others. Certain people might also be more easily able to share how they feel. This is known as being open with your communication and we want to discuss why it's so valuable.

Establishing Trust

Trust is the foundation for many of our relationships since it demonstrates that we are okay with sharing. Building trust takes time and it's easier to do so when we're around those we care about. Certain qualities can significantly improve our trust in people such as consistently telling the truth. Honesty is necessary since it shows that we don't have anything to hide and that our intentions are sincere. An open communicator recognizes that in order to build trust it's okay to be vulnerable with people. Everyone has been through many different experiences, some easy and some difficult. It's simply part of the process when going through the different stages of life. Learning how to lower the walls we create allows us to focus on the connections we can have with people around us.

“Trust is the foundation for many of our relationships since it demonstrates that we are okay with sharing.”

Feeling Comfortable Around Others

Similar to trust, comfort is another thing to consider when being an open communicator. Some people we might not always feel comfortable around and that's okay. It's important to express this in a healthy manner so that others can at least understand why that is. A great example of this might be speaking up if you feel someone is taking their frustration out on you when it's misguided. Being able to own up to our mistakes is good but there's also a fine line in how this is expressed and handled. If we want those around us to feel more comfortable we need to be mindful of how it is we carry ourselves. Patience, kindness, and generosity make it much more likely that our message will be heard since they all demonstrate empathy in some form.

“Similar to trust, comfort is another thing to consider when being an open communicator.”

It's All About Expression

Oftentimes it’s not about what we say but how we say it. Someone that's good at being an open communicator is aware of all the subtleties that go along with it. Whether it's nonverbal, our tone, or even just a matter of timing, all of these play a key role in expressing ourselves better. We need to be aware of these things so that our message can be better understood since it can make it much more likely that we'll be listened to. We need to also think about how someone else is feeling when we're talking with them. Seeing whether or not they're willing to discuss things matters as well since it can make the process smoother. Open communication requires the right combination of honesty, integrity, and a desire to understand where someone else is coming from.




Spreading Positivity


Setting Limits On Your Time