Interdisciplinary Thinking

Training our minds to be able to think in different ways is necessary if we want to successfully navigate through all the challenges we face. It's good to consider how different perspectives contribute to our overall sense of knowledge since it can give us the mindset shift needed to problem solve better. This is known as interdisciplinary thinking and we want to see why it’s so effective.

Different Perspectives

It's healthy to recognize that our own point of view isn't always right. This can help us immensely when we're exposed to new information and viewpoints. In many cases, we need several perspectives in order to see the bigger picture. A good example of that can be understanding cultures around the globe so that we're more accepting and celebrate what makes us unique. This can also be seen in science as well in light of new knowledge. A great example is when we shifted from a geocentric model to a heliocentric model for our solar system. Adjusting our point of view is necessary since it can keep us more up-to-date with facts so that we can rationally discuss and observe things.

“It's healthy to recognize that our own point of view isn't always right.”

Using Insight From Other Areas

It might be hard to draw parallels at first but each course we take can provide valuable insight for each of our courses. Certain skills carry over and it's a matter of using them to be able to put out our best work. A sports class for example can teach us the value of doing something consistently in order to get results. It requires discipline not just with exercise but with our diet as well. This same sort of discipline can translate into our creative endeavors too since we can build healthy habits. Not only do these habits work creatively but they also help our well-being. The key thing with this type of thinking is that it helps us to consider the holistic side of how everything we do plays a role in our lives. While a creative outlet might seem like a hobby, it's contributing to our happiness and giving us the chance to discover who we are.

“The key thing with this type of thinking is that it helps us to consider the holistic side of how everything we do plays a role in our lives.”

Sorting Through Conflicting Ideas

A challenge that can arise from interdisciplinary thinking is how we parse through the information between each way of thinking. While one mindset might work for a certain topic, that doesn't necessarily mean it can apply to other places. By far one of the most helpful things is to be aware of the context of these thoughts. This can make it much easier to promote good qualities while still being mindful of our integrity and moral compass. Finance falls under this since there are good things we can all universally do, but the personal side of things needs to be heavily considered. The same goes for stress. Each of us faces different challenges and we need to be considerate of how someone is doing when they need help. Interdisciplinary thinking can be used to promote a better way of looking at the world when tempered with the right expectations.




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