Why It’s Good to Speak Your Mind

Communication skills are an essential part of our social world. They allow us to get to the core of why we feel the way we do and can help us work towards positive change. One area of this is the ability to speak our minds. Today we want to talk about why it's good to do this along with some mindset shifts to help us be proactive with this.

It Promotes Honesty

When it comes to communication, honesty is the best policy. This is important for a multitude of reasons. For one, it opens up the line of communication in a manner that lets both sides trust one another more. Being able to trust someone means that you're willing to share things with them on a more personal level and this can establish closer relationships. A good example of why it's good to speak your mind is talking to someone about a disagreement you may have with them. At first it may be intimidating to do so since we don't want to overstep anything. While these initial feelings are justified, it's good to acknowledge them and then speak our thoughts anyway. Chances are it can lift any negative feelings we have about a topic and let us move past things.

“When it comes to communication, honesty is the best policy.”

It Fosters Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is another area where speaking our mind is important. Being able to formulate our own thoughts and opinions takes time and effort but ultimately it's for the better. A good example of this can be analyzing why we feel the way we do about something. Is it because it makes us feel that there's a moral obligation to be proactive with our thoughts? Perhaps it's because we feel a certain way of thinking can be harmful? Regardless of what it is, being able to deeply example your thoughts in a more complex manner can give you insight as to why you feel the way you do. Likewise acting on this is also valid. Things such as debates give us the space to express the more analytical side of communication and are a great method to practice speaking our minds.

“Critical thinking is another area where speaking our mind is important.”

It Builds Courage

One of the last but most important areas with speaking our mind is that it builds courage. Sharing our thoughts with others can be difficult at times. There is a lot that can go through our minds such as nervousness over what people will think, along with what the result can be. While it is good to be mindful of other people’s feelings, we also need to be aware of how we feel too. Being silent can often cause a sort of quiet rift between people which in a lot of cases is worse since we're also sacrificing authenticity. Speaking our minds teaches us that there is value in being able to express ourselves in an open and honest manner. It demonstrates that it's an effective way of building courage since it takes us out of our comfort zone in an effort to be ourselves.




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