Making Space For Rest

Rest is an essential part of our routine as students. We need it to recuperate and to get ourselves back to a place where we can function properly. Today we want to talk about the importance of making space for rest.


It Helps You Recover

When it comes to physical activity, rest is needed to help us recover. When we find ourselves doing intense sports such as weight lifting or track and field, our muscles and body will be sore afterward. Rest can give us time to help our muscles heal after a long day of exercise. While we are recovering we need to be mindful of the foods and nutrients we eat as they can affect how fast we heal. Drinking plenty of water and eating foods high in protein are good after exercising as they can re-hydrate and help our muscles build faster. Sleep is another great example of rest allowing us to recover. Our minds may be tired after doing a difficult test or assignment which is all the more reason to focus on our sleep. Sleep can help us relax the mind and let us heal for the next time we take on a challenge.

“Our minds may be tired after doing a difficult test or assignment which is all the more reason to focus on our sleep”

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It Boosts Productivity

Another practical benefit of rest is that it can help boost your productivity. This is good as we need to be prepared for any responsibilities we face at either school or work. This can include taking breaks from long stretches of homework. Listening to music is another way to incorporate rest into your routine. Immersing yourself in a good song or integrating music while doing an assignment can help ease the mind. Having ambient music while working on something is good as it can lower your stress levels and make things a bit more fun. We can also try making our environment cozier as well to help keep it peaceful. Our productivity is tied with how at ease we feel with ourselves both physically and mentally, and rest can help make a tangible difference.

“Listening to music is another way to incorporate rest into your routine.”


It Lets You Appreciate Things

When it comes to life, we may often find ourselves in a hurry to accomplish our goals. While it is good to have goals and things we want to do, we may wind up forgetting to take time to appreciate the journey. This is important as the process matters just as much as where we want to be. Resting allows us to be mindful of all of this as we need to appreciate the present. Gratitude is a good quality as it lets us see the value in everything we do. Sometimes it's a hobby that brings us happiness and meaning. Other times it can be people who we care about. At any given point there is always something to be thankful for. Having the mental clarity to see what is good in your life can only be done when we take the time to take care of ourselves, and this is best done by resting.




Metacognitive Strategies to Help You


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