Staying True to Yourself And Happiness

Understanding who you are and why you feel the way you do about things can help you stay true to yourself. There are many benefits to this such as boosting your overall happiness. Today we want to take a look at why this is important.


It Helps You Know What You Value

All of us value different things to varying degrees. For some people they may place more importance on their educational or career goals. For others they may find themselves more interested in the idea of cultivating long lasting relationships as their main goal. All of these are valid and what makes someone happy is unique to them. When it comes to staying true to yourself, only you can decide what to value. This is good to recognize early as it can let you know what to spend more time on. If a peer for example is trying to convince you that studying isn't worth doing but it's relevant to your academic goals, then you would want to continue studying regardless. There are some instances where what we value can be self-destructive such as only eating food that is bad for our health which is good to recognize. While short term happiness does matter for some things, we need to also ensure that it is a sustainable practice and not detrimental to our well-being.

“When it comes to staying true to yourself, only you can decide what to value.”


It Lets You Know Who You Are

Finding yourself can be a lifelong journey and it can be easy to lose track of who we are throughout our lives. It can be easy to want to emulate someone else and follow in their footsteps. While finding inspiration from others is a good thing, there is a limit to how much to do that. When we copy someone else for too many things, we may lose sight of who we once were. Being true to yourself involves having the self awareness to see which aspects of others are worth borrowing from along with being mindful of what your unique traits and qualities are. Being our best possible self requires an appreciation for what we do have rather than only seeking what we feel is lacking. Our identity is crucial because it gives us a firm base to stand on when we are in doubt.

“Being true to yourself involves having the self awareness to see which aspects of others are worth borrowing from along with being mindful of what your unique traits and qualities are.”


It Promotes Honesty

One of the most difficult habits to break is the idea of people-pleasing. The reason because of this is that it can set a standard where you focus on only making someone else happy even if what you're saying or doing is disingenuous to how you feel. Being true to yourself helps to promote honesty, not just with yourself, but with others. Honesty is a great trait as it makes it easier to relate to others and fosters trust. These are key in communication as honesty can be used along with empathy to show how you feel in relation to other people. While happiness can be both a feeling and a state of mind, being true to yourself can bolster a positive mindset which can lead you down one of many paths to happiness.




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