Why Boundaries Help

Sometimes we can find ourselves in uncomfortable situations. This can be the result of our own needs being different from others. It can also simply be because we're stretching ourselves too thin for our responsibilities. One way to help with this is by establishing boundaries. Today we want to talk about why these help and some ways to work on them.

Setting Limits

While it's tempting to try and accomplish everything we want in a short time frame, everyone has their limits. A good example of this is exercise. Sometimes we might feel inspired to go for a several-mile run or lift weights much more than we're used to. While this sort of enthusiasm is good, we need to channel it in a manner that respects what we're capable of. With the weights example, we could be hurt if we try to go too much higher than what we normally do. By running several extra miles we need to be aware of whether it'll impact us for the rest of the week for our routine. Being able to pace yourself can make a world of difference since it can help us have some spare energy for later. Limits can also be applied to studying as well since we don't want to cram everything at the last minute. Rather we want to gradually understand the information so we can best retain it.

“Being able to pace yourself can make a world of difference since it can help us have some spare energy for later.”

Being Direct

One good way to help establish boundaries is by being direct. In our fast-moving world it can be easy to miss something when we're talking with others. People have different assumptions and sometimes there may be a miscommunication. Rather than letting it happen, we can opt to be direct when it comes to conflict. This approach can be handled diplomatically which ensures that both sides feel respected. When we're direct we open the door to better communication since most things are understood better. A good way to work on this is by building your confidence. We can do this by having a positive self-image along with working on our leadership. It can feel tough to do this at first but with enough practice, we'll be able to communicate our needs with poise and grace.

“One good way to help establish boundaries is by being direct.”

Honesty And Boundaries

By far one of the biggest reasons why boundaries are important is because they help us be more honest with both our and others’ needs. It can be challenging to express your boundaries since they require us to talk about our vulnerabilities. These however make us who we are and rather than pushing them to the side, we need to accept them. Everyone is different in what they're able to accept and we need to be considerate of that. Being honest with our needs leads to us meeting people with similar mindsets and the same kind of self-respect. With all that in mind, boundaries are ideally used as a means of promoting respect rather than control. When we approach them in this manner we're able to be our best possible selves.




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