Studying Tips During Remote Learning

As we continue online learning, it’s crucial not to lose motivation. Quarantine is difficult, but it’s something we can’t control, what we can control is how we react to it. It is important to keep a positive mindset and make sure you are doing your best. Here are some more tips on how to stay on top of your game during remote learning.


Check Your Email

When staying on track with all your assignments, it is essential to check your Colegia email and whichever internet program your school is using. Whether it’s google classroom, Edmodo, or another online program, make it a point to go online and check every day to stay updated. Allow checking these sites to become a part of your daily routine, that way it feels normal and you’re less likely to forget. After all, you can’t turn in an assignment you didn’t know you had to complete.

“Whether it’s google classroom, Edmodo, or another online program, make it a point to go online and check every day to stay updated.”

Figuring Out What Works

An integral part of effective studying is knowing what works for you. It’s good to ask yourself what your learning style is, along with figuring out what time you work best. Answering these questions will help you make the most of your time and your studying. It’s good to understand whether you are a visual learner, auditory learner, kinesthetic learner, or reading/writing learner. Determine which style best suits you and cater your studying to that. It may also help to figure out if you’re a night person or a morning person, this will help you decide when is the best time for your studying to take place. Knowing yourself and how you work is key in helping yourself succeed.

“It’s good to understand whether you are a visual learner, auditory learner, kinesthetic learner, or reading/writing learner.”


Ask For Help

If you’re stuck, and studying on your own is definitely not working, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you don’t feel comfortable with speaking out, that’s fine, there’s other ways to interact with teachers. You can ask questions in the chat, schedule a private meeting, or attend their office hours. If you feel unsettled at the idea of asking a teacher for help, that’s perfectly reasonable ask a friend to tutor you on whatever you don’t understand. Your friends are, more often than not, willing to help you out. Your education is important but everyone knows school isn’t always easy. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and remember to always be kind to yourself.




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