How To Excel In Group Projects

Group work is worth improving on since students will eventually need these skills later on in their careers. There are a lot of different elements within group work and all of these help contribute to the group’s overall effectiveness. Today we want to look at how to excel in group projects and why it's worth learning.

Assign Roles

One of the biggest things to iron out early for a group project is assigning roles for each member. Deciding whether you want one person in the group to act as a leader or having a select few can help streamline the process. It's also good to take time to understand what everyone is best able to bring to the table. Some students may be more adept with presentations since they may naturally be more charismatic. Others may prefer to be more supportive, provide research, and organize things for the group. Having someone adept in the creative side of things can also help as well since we need outside-of-the-box thinking for problem-solving. Being able to work to your strengths can set the foundation needed on the skill side of things for group work.

“One of the biggest things to iron out early for a group project is assigning roles for each member.”

Set Expectations

Expectations are another thing that's worth thinking about when it comes to group work. This can encompass many areas, one of which is basic respect. Some groups might not always click with one another for personalities and it's crucial to be focused on working together since you're ultimately on the same side. Being able to interpret things with positive intent can let us see that our teammates want us to succeed and accomplish things in a healthier way. Expectations also carry over to responsibilities as well since some things need to be organized early. A good example of this is deadlines since some parts of the process require one person to finish their work first. We need deadlines to help ensure that things are being done at the right pace so that we have enough time for everything that needs to be done.

“Expectations are another thing that's worth thinking about when it comes to group work.”

Take Initiative

Taking initiative and being proactive are some of the best things we can do for group projects since it's within our realm of control. Knowing when there's a problem to be solved and stepping up to the plate to try and solve it takes a lot of courage. Instead of hoping that someone else will do something, it's worth discussing with your teammates to try and find the best possible outcome. Just because we take initiative doesn't mean we have to go at it alone. It simply means that we're willing to take action when we notice something needs to be tweaked. Group projects are the culmination of many different skills and backgrounds and we're capable of achieving great things when we work together.




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