Why Emotional Intelligence is Important

Being in control of your emotions is extremely helpful since it can make it much easier to make it through any challenges we may face. Our emotions help cue us into the world and people around us, and when we're in a good frame of mind it can make things that much easier to work through. Today we want to do a deep dive and talk about why emotional intelligence is so important.

Handling Disagreements

As people, all of us have different ways we view the world and we may not always agree on things. This is okay because everyone has different opinions on things. Rather than letting a disagreement get the better of us, we can find alternative ways to handle them. Anger can often come when we feel very opinionated about a topic. This can at times cloud our judgment and cause us to raise our voices. It's good to remember that our opinions, like our thoughts, are malleable and can be subject to change when we have enough information to have an accurate opinion. Learning how to stay calm during a disagreement can be the deciding factor for how well we can manage our emotions.

“It's good to remember that our opinions, like our thoughts, are malleable and can be subject to change”


While problem-solving can seem tough at first, it becomes much easier when we have a good grasp on emotional intelligence. A good way of helping with this is our perspective. When we view problems as a challenge to overcome we may have more motivation to work on them. Every problem needs a certain amount of effort to work on it and pacing ourselves is a good way of helping with this. Being able to rationally think about what we're going through can let us see the bigger picture. When we're able to zoom out of what we're experiencing we gain the ability to recognize that we may have things a lot better than we expect. Many of us have the tools needed to solve the daily problems we experience while also having the time and energy to do so. Our lives are much easier when we're able to slow down and logically think about how to solve our problems.

“While problem-solving can seem tough at first, it becomes much easier when we have a good grasp on emotional intelligence.”

Peace of Mind

Emotional intelligence provides us with peace of mind. Our emotions can feel like they're in a state of turbulence at times. While this can seem overwhelming, it's healthy to remember that at the end of things, we will be okay. Being in a calm state of mind makes it that much easier to appreciate all the wonderful things we have in our lives. Rather than having our goal to be happy, seeking out emotional stability is much healthier since it doesn't require us to always be feeling a certain emotion. Our mental health matters just as much as our physical health and giving ourselves the time to take care of it can make a world of difference. Emotional intelligence plays a role in every stage of our lives which is why it's important to educate ourselves on it.




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