Finding Your Productivity Method

While school is fulfilling, it does take time and energy to accomplish all of the things we want to do throughout our academic journey. Some students may struggle with things such as motivation or even having the right mindset needed to succeed. Something that's part of school is being productive since it helps us with our goals. Today we want to take a look at how we can find the right productivity method along with a few examples.

Prioritize Sustainability First

Oftentimes one of the biggest areas where we struggle is being able to consistently do something over a long period of time. This can be seen in the case of burnout where things just keep adding up at the cost of our well-being. It takes a proactive approach to avoid this since it's the culmination of our habits and how we look at things. A good productivity method provides sustainability since it recognizes that long-term success leads to bigger gains. A great example of this is setting a flexible exercise routine. The reason for this is that we want to make sure that we have a mix of the things we need for our health without making it feel like a chore. One way to do this is by setting a day for cardio but having multiple options, such as walking or biking. Variety can work wonders for this since it gives us the agency to tackle things how we want while still getting results.

“A good productivity method provides sustainability since it recognizes that long-term success leads to bigger gains.”

Understand How To Best Use Your Time

Some of us work better under a time crunch whereas others need more flexibility to thrive. A good productivity method incorporates this in a way that's respectful to our time. A good method to consider for limited time is the Pomodoro method where we work in short bursts and take a brief break in between. This is great since it keeps us aware of how much time we have left for something while also providing a sense of urgency. For students who need flexibility, it's worth having a cutoff time as far as productivity goes. If you feel that you're able to put out your best performance until 5:00 pm, then you can use the hours until then as your productive time. The benefit of this is that it segments it so that you can enjoy your time outside of that as well.

“Some of us work better under a time crunch whereas others need more flexibility to thrive.”

Know Your Habits

Our habits can be one of our greatest strengths when applied properly. It's good to know what your habits are so that you can understand what to work on when it comes to productivity time. If we find ourselves easily distracted we may need to make an extra effort to ensure that our environment is clear of things that can pull us away from our work. If we know that we do our best work at night, it's worth having that time free so we can be productive. Building self-awareness can help us with productivity since we want our habits to help us rather than hinder us.




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