The Benefits Of Solitude

Given that we live in a social world, it might feel strange to want to be alone. There's a big difference between feeling alone and being alone and the latter can help us in a multitude of ways. This is commonly referred to as solitude where we voluntarily spend time by ourselves. Today we want to look at why this is necessary for our well-being.

Time Alone Helps Us Recover

Depending on how social we are we may feel either energized or tired after being around others. Even when we feel that we have more energy it's still worth taking the time to practice solitude. Relying on others for our happiness is something we need to consider. While our relationships do bring us joy we still need to have a good relationship with ourselves. This is known as self-care and one way to do that is by setting aside time to do things that make you feel better. For some people, it's a matter of being by themselves to help them process what they're going through. Whether that's through a creative outlet, getting enough rest, or even just building better habits, alone time ensures that we're able to prioritize our health.

“While our relationships do bring us joy we still need to have a good relationship with ourselves.”

Giving Ourselves A Judgment-Free Space

Some days it's liberating to not have to worry about what people think of you. Things such as how we speak to others are just one of the many examples of what goes through our minds when interacting with those around us. While this isn't a bad thing since it can help you understand who you're talking to, it can also take energy from our social battery. Solitude allows us the time needed to recharge so that we're able to reconnect with ourselves without worry of judgment. We need this time since it can help us reflect and meditate to work on both peace and self-confidence. A break from being around others can be exactly what we need in order to understand who we are as an individual.

“Solitude allows us the time needed to recharge so that we're able to reconnect with ourselves without worry of judgment.”

Not Needing To Be Productive

Rethinking how we spend our alone time can be life-changing. Oftentimes we might need to justify time in solitude by trying to be as productive as possible. The reality is that we can't always do this since it can be an exhausting mentality to have. The true benefit of solitude is that we can enjoy it by simply doing nothing and being okay with a quieter kind of day. Little things such as listening to music, reading a good book, or even enjoying a game can bring us immense amounts of joy. Life is more than simply accomplishing our goals, it's about being able to enjoy the smaller things since they help comprise the bigger picture. Solitude lets us slow down so that we can better cherish the present moment and see all the wonderful things we have within our lives.




Quieting The Mind


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