Helpful Ways to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety can be challenging to manage at times. Rather than allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed, there is a multitude of ways to help with this. Today we want to cover some ways to work with our anxiety and change our viewpoint about it.

Empowerment is Everything

A key thing to keep in mind with anxiety is understanding how it affects you. In most cases it makes us feel worse because it can be a consistent voice that brings us down. A better way of looking at this is seeing anxiety as more of a concerned friend. This can shift the mentality to be more considerate when our minds start to race. It can also help us look at our anxiety as a means of empowering ourselves to make choices that can benefit us more. A good example of this is considering how we feel when we do something new. The initial response might be more reserved since we're treading into unfamiliar territory. We can look at this as a means of making us feel prepared rather than scared which is one such way to help.

“A key thing to keep in mind with anxiety is understanding how it affects you.”

Surround Yourself With Good People

The people we surround ourselves with can be one of the best ways to help us manage our anxiety. This is largely in part to feeling that we can be ourselves around people. Authenticity is important and so is being able to properly express who we are. Good friends give us the space and confidence to do that while also encouraging us to do what's best for us. Finding the right people you get along with can take time but having an open mind and being willing to work with others is the key to this. Anxiety is much easier to manage with people by our side who empower us to be a better version of who we are.

“The people we surround ourselves with can be one of the best ways to help us manage our anxiety.”

Recognize Things Will Work Out

The last and most reassuring way to help manage anxiety is by simply recognizing that things will work out. Most of the time our worries are mostly rooted in our minds and our reaction to something we're not sure how to handle. It can stem from our fear of the unknown and while having a backup in some cases is good, we can't always be in this fight or flight mentality. Many things sort themselves out on their own or through actionable steps. A great example of this can be our nervousness about a test. If we take the time to study we can help mitigate these feelings while also doing something positive for us. Understanding when we need to take action versus when we need to simply relax our minds is a key part of managing anxiety. Some things are simply out of our control which is why it's not worth the energy to stress about them. Likewise, putting in the effort can make things easier for our minds when we do have the ability to work on them.




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