Promoting Balance in Your Life

Balance is something that many of us strive to achieve within our lives. While things can be turbulent at times, finding ways to achieve an inner state of zen can help us make better decisions and empower us as well. Today we want to talk about the importance of promoting balance in your life.

Knowing When to Change

It takes a lot of courage and self-discipline to know when you need to change either something you're doing or a quality about you. Part of being a balanced individual involves promoting a good amount of self-awareness which is needed when it comes to working on ourselves. Sometimes we may have bad habits such as eating food that is harmful to us or not sleeping enough. When we notice that these elements of our lives are affecting us, we need to address them as soon as possible. Bad habits can be hard to move past but practicing patience and being gentle with how we do things can make it easier. This also holds true with personal qualities as well. If we find ourselves in situations where we may not enjoy a certain quality such as seeing ourselves talk about ourselves too much, then we can take time to work on it. We do want to recognize and appreciate our good qualities and for us to be in balance we need to accept our weaknesses along with working on them in a healthy manner.

“Part of being a balanced individual involves promoting a good amount of self-awareness which is needed when it comes to working on ourselves.”

Understanding Your Needs

Our needs go far beyond simply requiring food, shelter, and sleep, social needs matter just as much. One common psychology concept is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which highlights different areas such as shelter, security, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. A sense of belonging is something that many people will experience at various stages of their lives, from making friends in elementary, to wanting to fit in at high school. This matters a lot and being able to put yourself out there to meet others is crucial for self-development. While making friends can vary depending on the environment, and personalities of each individual, making an active effort to take a genuine interest in others can help for this. A balanced person has a healthy network of people that they know and can trust. While not every relationship needs to be extremely close, establishing rapport and having a support group can help keep you centered.

“One common psychology concept is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs which highlights different areas such as shelter, security, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization.”

It Gives You Meaning

Meaning is something that is inherently personal to each individual and what matters to one person will be different from another. In order to promote balance, we need to take time to assess which things provide meaning to you in your life. This can be something as simple as developing your passion for your career or spending time with your loved ones. One helpful method to understanding what you care about is meditation. Meditation offers a safe space to examine what you care about along with visualizing how to get there. While it takes time to achieve the things you want, knowing what you love and what provides passion can be incredibly self-sustaining.




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