Letting go Anger

There are many different emotions that we experience. Some can help us more than others such as happiness. Other emotions on the other hand may be misunderstood such as anger. Anger often gets a bad reputation since it can lead to negative actions. Today we want to opt for a healthier perspective on this emotion as we try to let go of anger and use it more constructively.

Slow Down

It might be hard to see in the moment but sometimes when we're angry it could be because we're going too quickly. Trying to do too many things in such a short time frame can usually lead to rushed decisions. It can also result in pushing our emotions to the side in an effort to do things fast. While certain things might be extremely urgent, most of what we have to do isn't. This is good to realize since it effectively removes any sort of unnecessary stress that we're putting on ourselves. Another thing that can help is seeing if you feel rushed by someone else. Something as simple as asking for more time or giving them a brief explanation that you're feeling overwhelmed can help a lot. This is good because it bridges the gap for empathy so others can understand what you're experiencing.

“It might be hard to see in the moment but sometimes when we're angry it could be because we're going too quickly.”

See Positive Intent

Being able to see positive intent in others is crucial for letting go of anger. It's very easy for us to be mad at someone over a simple miscommunication. Mistakes happen and it's healthy to recognize that not everyone is perfect. Rather than seeing things in such a negative light, we need to be patient with others and see that they're doing their best with the tools they have. One way to help with this is to consider our expectations. When they're too high we can set an impossible standard that people need to reach just so we're happy around them. When they're too low we run the risk of there not being mutual respect. Rather we want to treat people with equal respect and basic expectations so as not to feel disappointed if they aren't reached. This helps make it so we can focus on accepting others while still being mindful of our own needs.

“Being able to see positive intent in others is crucial for letting go of anger.”

Be Gentle With Yourself

Anger is best soothed by being gentle with ourselves. Sometimes we can have unrealistic expectations of what we need to do. This can be caused by someone else putting unnecessary pressure on us or simply thinking we need to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. It's healthy to recognize in the grand scheme of things the biggest thing that matters is our emotional stability. When we shift our perspective in this manner we make it so that we can be comfortable regardless of our emotions. Anger is misunderstood since it can result from many different things. Sometimes it can motivate us to make better changes in our life. Like all of our emotions, understanding them and being able to let them go at times can help pave the way for a healthier lifestyle.




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