Learning How To Find Solutions

Many problems have solutions that we can find and even with some of the most difficult things out there, some outside-of-the-box thinking can still help. Training our minds to look for solutions instead of complaining can be hard at first but can ultimately help us. Today we want to take a look at how we can work on this mindset shift.

Identify A Problem

Sometimes when we complain it might be because we're experiencing a problem with something in our lives. It could be because of someone else or because we're upset with how something is going. Identifying what the problem is is the first step to finding a solution. Asking ourselves whether or not it's a genuine problem versus us not being in the best frame of mind is good to consider. When we don't feel well everything can feel difficult or problematic but distancing ourselves from those feelings can be helpful too. Ensuring that we're in a good state of mind is necessary for identifying problems. When something is an actual problem we need to determine whether or not it can be fixed.

“Identifying what the problem is is the first step to finding a solution.”

Our Locus Of Control

Something to consider when looking for solutions is whether or not something is in our locus of control. An example of this is deciding what we want to eat for breakfast. Something outside of our control would be the weather or traffic. Now with this in mind, we can still account for things that are beyond our control to an extent. An example of this is changing what clothes we wear depending on whether it'll rain. Leaving early to account for heavy traffic is another example since it's still within our control. If we feel that there's a problem we'll encounter, we can anticipate things by being prepared. Learning how to be okay with things that can't be fixed is essential as well. There are many things in life we simply can't change but what we can change is the mindset that we have. Being able to look at things from an optimistic perspective can make many problems approachable.

“Something to consider when looking for solutions is whether or not something is in our locus of control.”

Establishing Good Habits

While there is some degree of merit in complaining about a problem, being able to establish better habits can make a world of difference. Discussing how to solve things with others is something worth doing since it gives another perspective to the problem at hand. Sometimes this is just what we need to reach a breakthrough for our situation and can give us enough clarity to try out new techniques. Taking care of ourselves and being patient can also make the process of finding solutions much easier. It's often during our downtime that we come up with some of our best ideas since our minds are free from stress to brainstorm. Learning how to find solutions takes a concentrated effort along with retraining how we think. It's ultimately worth it though since it can allow us to improve the quality of our lives.




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