Working With Others

Collaboration is one of the most helpful things we can strive towards and this holds true in our education. There are a plethora of assignments that focus on group-based activities along with extracurriculars that include many students. Today we want to discuss why this matters and some actionable steps to take.

Social Skills

People are social by nature and this is evident with how there is an inherent desire to be accepted by those around us. Working together is one of the best ways to build up social skills so we can be more effective. Communication is widely considered one of the most important aspects when it comes to teamwork and this holds true in many ways. Verbal communication is one of the most common forms and groups are a means of practicing this. Working with others gives us exposure to people of many different backgrounds and ideas which is good since it helps us communicate in new ways. It's good to remember that we need to be flexible with the way we talk to others as everyone responds differently. While being more direct may work with some, it may need to be handled differently with others.

“Communication is widely considered one of the most important aspects when it comes to teamwork and this holds true in many ways.”

An Environment That Empowers

Working together is a great way to foster a healthy environment for everyone involved. Some of the best groups offer an inclusive atmosphere where everyone is able to share their own talents. Incorporating this into a group can be as simple as treating each member with mutual respect along with acknowledging them as an individual. How you interact with the group matters just as much as the shared activity that everyone is a part of. Consider how you approach new groups when it comes to team efforts and ask whether you are giving each person within it a fair chance. When we are able to holistically integrate these feelings of acceptance with others is when we can truly perform at our best. A good environment allows for empowerment.

“Working together is a great way to foster a healthy environment for everyone involved.”

It Makes The World Go Round

Throughout our lives there are things we may excel at. For some of us we may be more skilled in the sciences. For others we may be proficient in physical prowess. Each of these matter in their own unique manner. Part of being a teamplayer involves recognizing that regardless of your current skillset, every person contributes in their own way. This extends far beyond the group that we are in. If we view this from a different perspective we can see that this applies on a global scale as well. This is evident when we consider how basic things such as food and water are made accessible by other groups of people. Even something as simple as paying for something is contributing to another group being able to continue what they love. In a sense, we can still work together even when not physically there. This inherent sense of teamwork and harmony is what makes the world work and it reminds us that there are others out there who care.




Intrapersonal Learning


Experience as a Means of Learning