Learning Through Fun

There are so many wonderful and unique ways to learn out there such as through motion, listening, and understanding something visually. One of the best ways to learn though is by having fun and the best part is that this approach isn't hard to do either. Today we want to take a look at why learning through fun is so effective along with some easy ways to do so.

Gamifying Tasks

How we look at things can oftentimes be the determining factor for helping us actually get it done. One approach is to gamify the tasks we do. The idea behind this is that we're turning normal responsibilities into something that gives us a sense of satisfaction and reward similar to a video game. A good way to try this out is by setting a timer and seeing how much work you can get done within a time frame. If we're able to get everything done in time with the right amount of quality and effort behind it, then we can take it a step further and give ourselves rewards at each increment. It could be taking a break or buying ourselves something we enjoy for example. The idea behind this is that we want to find ways to dole out a reward system to help us build good habits and improve our perspective for our responsibilities.

“How we look at things can oftentimes be the determining factor for helping us actually get it done.”

Sports Teach Us More Than We Think

Sports are one of the most quintessential things that can teach us through fun. By far one of the most important concepts they cover is the value of teamwork and sportsmanship. Being respectful towards your team and other players is crucial since it demonstrates that you value how others feel while still caring about the game. Learning how to work with one another is something that translates outside of sports as well since many careers see us working alongside other people. Sports are great because they have us doing something that causes eustress, otherwise known as good stress, and helps us train our minds to handle faster-paced situations. This is critical since it can make us more effective for moments that require us to think on our feet faster.

“Sports are one of the most quintessential things that can teach us through fun.”

It Rewards Creativity

Making things fun takes time, effort, and most importantly creativity. The reason behind this is that there are a lot of subtle aspects that go into making something fun such as how much difficulty should something have until we see a payoff. Taking the time to work on something to make it more enjoyable is worth the effort since it demonstrates that we're willing to improve what we do and not settle for something that doesn't make us content. When we learn by doing something fun, it doesn't feel like an obligation but rather something that we genuinely want to do. With the right mindset along with the desire to find the fun in our lessons, we can make learning something that comes naturally to us.




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The One Day At A Time Approach