Being Active With Your Goals

Goals can help us accomplish the things that we truly value. They can come in many different forms as well. Some of them being more short while others can take longer to accomplish. In order to work on these we need to be active with them. Today we want to dive into some ways we can do this and why this mentality can help us in the long run.

Find Your Motivation

Motivation plays an important role when it comes to our goals. Everyone is fueled by something different. Some of us prioritize our goals by the type of reward we can get from them when they're achieved. This sort of extrinsic motivation can help us strive towards these things or we can simply use it as a treat for hitting a milestone. Other people are more interested in the process itself and the joy that comes from simply working on a goal. This is known as intrinsic motivation and can be much more sustainable in the long term. Finding a career that is built upon this type of motivation for example can help us do what we're passionate about on a daily basis. Likewise, the extrinsic reward of taking a more advanced class can give us college credits which can save us time in the future. A combination of both of these is needed since sometimes we need that extra push to get something done.

“Motivation plays an important role when it comes to our goals.”

Understand Yourself

Self-understanding can be the deciding factor for accomplishing some of our biggest goals in life. One of the most common questions many people ask is “what do you want to be when you grow up?” This is important since it usually implies what sort of career we want to work in along with what we plan to study. Having an idea of this can make the process of deciding that much easier. Being able to understand oneself can be done in many different ways. Perhaps one of the most common methods is meditation. Having quiet time to yourself to be with your thoughts can make you aware of what it is you want from life. It could be as simple as having a stable environment or it can be as ambitious as wanting to change the world with a new invention. Being able to calmly assess what we want can help us work towards our goals.

“Being able to understand oneself can be done in many different ways.”

Set Reasonable Expectations

Having realistic expectations can go a long way for actually finishing what we set out to do. A good example of this are setting goals that are time relevant. This effectively makes it so we have to do things within a certain time frame so we prioritize it more. It can be something as simple as setting a deadline for how much studying we want to get done before the end of the day, or even just making an effort to exercise twice a week. While we want enough flexiblity to do what's needed, we need to temper it with the expectation that sometimes we need a bit of a push to do things. Goals can help us accomplish things that we truly value and they're worth the effort.




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