Group Work And The Lessons It Teaches Us

There are many different assignments and projects that students will partake in over the course of their education. One of these is group work and there is usually some form of it in each class in some way. These assignments are a great example of the importance of collaboration since we'll need to work with others outside of the classroom and in our careers. Today we want to take a look at some of the lessons group work teaches us.


It's a simple fact of life that we need people in so many ways. There's a sense of collaboration that happens with various entities such as our government with agencies such as the FDA which ensures we have safe food to eat. Other things such as farmers and companies working together with grocery chains are some of the most basic ways we have food on our table. Collaboration is seen in our day-to-day environment as well when we're working together with our family for example to keep our homes clean. Group projects in school teach us the importance of working together with our peers so that we can achieve things far greater than the scope of our own skills. While there are things we excel at, it's okay to ask others for help with things since everyone provides their own talents and perspectives in group projects.

“Group projects in school teach us the importance of working together with our peers so that we can achieve things far greater than the scope of our own skills.”


Proper communication is key in group work since we all have our part to play in each assignment. Being organized and having a key understanding of who is doing what in the group is one of the first things to iron out. Doing this early helps prevent any confusion and it can help everyone understand who's able to do each part with efficiency. Some groups work best with a dedicated leader while others may place equal weight as far as shared responsibility. Understanding what helps your group bring out their best talents is crucial since everyone needs to contribute in some manner. Taking initiative with communication is something everyone in the group can do since it can save time in the long run.

“Proper communication is key in group work since we all have our part to play in each assignment.”


An extremely important thing that group work helps with is that it helps us with accountability. In a group setting others depend on us for being true to our word and it's up to us to follow through on things. Being accountable simultaneously teaches us multiple life skills. For one it keeps us on track with time management since we need to use it in a manner that allows us to stick with the plan we set out with. Keeping a schedule can also help on the accountability side of things. Knowing when others are supposed to finish their portion helps ensure that everyone is being mindful of each other’s time. It also helps us better understand our own time so that we can have enough of it to put out our best work. Group projects teach us a lot about ourselves and others and can provide an avenue for improving these life skills.




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