Why You Matter

There are many days where life can feel overwhelming. Stress can pile up, expectations can be high, and things can feel impossible. Despite all of this, you matter, not just to yourself but to those around you. There are many reasons why you matter which is why today we want to talk about it.

There is Only One You Out There

When we're in doubt and don't feel that what we bring to the table is unique, one thing to get us out of that mindset is that there is only one of us out there. There are many things that only we are capable of doing. A good example of this would be our creativity. While many pieces of work are inspired by something, the life experiences we have that help shape our stories or artwork are inherent to us. This is important because the combination of things we have experienced is something that can't be replicated. This also transfers to other areas that aren't necessarily creative. Something like public speaking and how we interact with others is also relevant to our experience. Maybe we grew up in an environment that caused us to become more empathetic which can help us relate to others, or maybe we grew up in a manner that fosters strong leadership. Both of these along with our personality change how we interact with the world and there are benefits each side. We have value in many ways we aren't aware of and understanding our uniqueness is one such way to see that value.

“When we're in doubt and don't feel that what we bring to the table is unique, one thing to get us out of that mindset is that there is only one of us out there.”

You Matter to Others

If you ever feel that you're questioning your worth, there are many, many people who you matter to. This is incredibly important to recognize because while we may not see it or feel it at times, they do care. This is evident through several means, spending time with others is a great indicator of this as time is one of our most valuable resources. Having a stable friend group where people spend time with one another either in groups, or one on one demonstrates that they care about one another. While we don't want to place our self-worth on the number of our relationships, we can value the quality of our relationships. This also extends to the relationship we have with ourselves. We need to take care of ourselves physically and mentally to ensure we are putting our best foot forward. This can help us meet new people and sustaining our current relationships. Our support group recognizes that being vulnerable is often needed for growth and this holds true at every stage in our lives. Our bonds with people remind us that we have an impact in the lives of others.

“If you ever feel that you're questioning your worth, there are many, many people who you matter to.”

You Can Make a Difference

There are many qualities you have that can tangibly make a difference within the world, others, and yourself. Our confidence can help us take risks and try new things that can enlighten our worldview. Our empathy allows us to step into the shoes of others and relate to their experiences. Our happiness lets us cherish the good things around us along with other people. These qualities are just some of the ways we can display our better side to the world. Our actions matter just as much as our integrity and this is true for how we choose to interact. Spending time in areas where others need help such as charity events can tangibly improve the lives of people in your community. Likewise, spending time with a close friend when they really need it can help them immensely. You deserve to enjoy your life and recognizing your worth is one of the best ways to do so. Remember that there are many people who care about you and that establishing self-love can help you understand that you matter.




Realizing Your Potential as a Student


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