Handling Nervousness in Online Classes

Online school can have an adjustment period when it comes to class discussion. Unmuting yourself and speaking to boxes of your classmates faces may seem a lot harder than speaking in class normally is. Not to mention, there is also the anxiety of missing any assignments or not getting your work done on time. All of these elements can contribute to nervousness for online classes. Here are some tips to help you ease those nerves and focus on learning.


Stay in The Present

First and foremost, it is crucial to remember to take things one day at a time. Stress and nervousness come from a fear of the future, or the past. It is good to try and work on relaxing your mind and focusing on the present moment. It’s important to understand that while we can plan for the future and reflect on the past, we need to appreciate the present. This can prove to be easier said than done. Breathing techniques along with meditation, can help you ground yourself to be in the present.

“Stress and nervousness come from a fear of the future, or the past. “


Reach Out For Help

Sometimes it may be hard to cope with the nerves. This is natural and when it happens we may need to consult others. When you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to reach out to your teachers. They are here to help and often, a simple conversation with one of your instructors will ease your mind. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or reassurance, it doesn’t make you weak or irresponsible, it makes you human.

“When you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to reach out to your teachers.”

Focus on Yourself

When it comes to speaking in online class or giving a presentation, it is good to keep in mind that others may not be as critical about what we saying as we think. We’re often consumed with a fear of embarrassment or what people think of us, when in reality others may be involved with their own needs. If you struggle with speaking up or presenting, allow yourself to be afraid, but keep in mind that oftentimes no one will remember if you say something “embarrassing” or do the wrong thing. Everyone is focused on themselves, and you should be too. If you have to speak to the class and you want to make it a little easier on yourself, you can opt to hide your classmates' video screens. Leave only your teacher and yourself visible to focus on speaking to only one person. With this method it is easier to pretend you're speaking to yourself, thus, relieving some of the anxiety of addressing the whole class.

It is also necessary to give yourself time to adjust to this new form of instruction and overcome the stressful situation. Don’t place pressure on yourself if you aren’t where you would like to be, simply practice patience, recognize your growth, and give yourself the space to learn.




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