Uncluttering Your Mind & Enjoying Life

There can be many distractions that we face throughout the day. It could be our phone giving us notifications constantly. Excessive noise in places that we want to study. Or it could even be people we feel disempowered around. All of these things can add up to us feeling stressed and they give us more things to worry about. If we truly want to feel better, we need to find ways to unclutter our minds so that we can enjoy our lives more. Here are a few ways to help with that.

Step Away From Stress

Stress is a state of discomfort that your mind and body react to when faced with unexpected change or adversity. It can come in many forms but the important thing to remember is how we react to it. A good way to handle stress is by having both a creative and physical outlet. Both of these are great since they can be a good habit to form when we need to step away from stressful situations. A creative outlet can be something such as journaling when we need to get our thoughts out of our heads and onto a page. Going for a brisk jog can be good when we feel stress turning into anger or we can use it as a means of motivating ourselves to do something good. It's okay to take a break from things and return to them later. We can't always be expected to handle things to the best of our ability all the time which is all the more reason why it's okay to take breaks.

“A good way to handle stress is by having both a creative and physical outlet.”

Make Space For Fun

Fun and leisure represent a significant portion of our lives. Think about how much free time we have after a school day. Chances are it's a lot more than we might expect. Even on days that are busy, we still need to make space for fun. Fun is extremely important for our well-being since it allows us to focus on play and learning. A great example of this is taking the time to do a team sport. This allows us to work together with our friends while also having a good time in the process. Taking time to do something fun for ourselves such as getting immersed in a video game is good as well since it can take our mind off things.

“Fun and leisure represent a significant portion of our lives.”

Value Your Health

Health isn't just a form of wealth but a form of well-being. We need to take the time to value how we're doing since it can be easy to look past our needs when we're so focused on a task. Checking in with yourself by seeing how you're feeling is a great way to start with this. Doing this on a regular basis can make you more in tune with your needs while also allowing you to work on positive change. We need to be mindful of our sleeping and eating habits since they form the basis of our physical and mental well-being.




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