Giving Yourself The Space to be Creative

Creativity comes with it many positive things. Finding the time to be yourself and focus on expression matters immensely. Today we want to talk about why we need to give ourselves the time and space to be creative.

Creativity Affects Performance

Performance is an important thing to bear in mind when it comes to doing tasks. There are many instances where our performance may be impacted by something external. One example of this could be the means of doing a task. Some things may offer a more rigid way of solving them which can affect motivation as well. Finding a means to implement creativity to certain tasks can make things work better for you as an individual. One way to do this is for the brainstorming process. If you know something has to be done at a certain timeframe, you can use creativity to help you decide when you do your best work. If there are multiple assignments, for example, you can use the morning for the more creative ones and the afternoon for more logistical ones. This simple strategy can give you the choice you need to put your best foot forward.

“Performance is an important thing to bear in mind when it comes to doing tasks.”

Creativity And Expression

Expression is one of the cornerstones of creativity and this is best seen when we do activities that reflect that. The arts are one such example of that and each of these appeals to different kinds of people. Some creative types revel in the types of worlds they create, such as writers. The ability to express yourself eloquently and craft vivid imagery through the written word can provide a much-needed outlet. Other creatives like to physically craft things that fit the image within their minds such as drawers or painters. The simple act of using a brush with a myriad of colors is enough to engage any creative. There are also creatives who prefer to express themselves with their body via dance. This is good as it allows there to be a more pronounced physical connection between art and expression. All of these are some of the many ways to express yourself creatively, and that doesn't even take into account the mental benefits of creativity.

“Expression is one of the cornerstones of creativity and this is best seen when we do activities that reflect that.”

Creativity And Emotion

Creativity has many different emotions that are tied to it. From being able to discuss somber subjects in a more lighthearted tone, to simply expressing the joy behind why you love something, emotion is the driving force behind this creative energy. Each piece of artwork, or dance, or writing acts as a sort of puzzle behind the artist and gives insight into the different emotions that they experience on a daily basis. Emotion is part of the human experience and being able to say how you feel in a creative setting is good as it lets you focus on being more authentic. Creativity has a healing effect to it and that can help us promote feelings of positivity with it. Being able to transform things such as hurt or pain into joy or abundance can make the simple act of creating feel like the form of self-care that it is.




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