Mental Health And Time For Yourself

The importance of mental health cannot be expressed enough and properly taking care of yourself can work wonders for your well-being. One common way to do this is to take time for yourself. There are many ways to apply this and today we want to cover how to do that and why this is worth your time.

It Boosts Creativity

While there are many instances where being in a group can help with creativity, some people have a natural tendency to put out their best work when they are by themselves. This is good to keep in mind as everyone handles this differently. Taking time for yourself allows you to see things from your own point of view and allows you to tackle an assignment in a manner that works for you. This can be applied to schoolwork by including things such as how you study. Quiet time for ourselves lets us take things at our own pace and let ideas come to us in a manner that isn't necessarily set by someone else. Having the creative liberty to do things by yourself can give you a sense of autonomy and remind you that you have a lot of choices in your life. It can give you the chance to refresh yourself and find what helps you be at your most creative.

“While there are many instances where being in a group can help with creativity, some people have a natural tendency to put out their best work when they are by themselves.”

It Gives Time to Detach

For some, recharging our social battery can take time as there are often many expectations with how we behave around others. While this is good as it can help establish proper boundaries, there are many instances where it can leave us feeling drained after a difficult day. In order to balance this out, we need to take time to ourselves to help us feel better. This is good as it gives us the means to be ourselves free of judgment. A good exercise to do this is to try freewriting. This is the art equivalent of being able to say anything which is good as it allows us to focus on expression, rather than reaction. Being able to switch our minds from the need of being “on” can give us a reprieve and help us be more true to ourselves.

“For some, recharging our social battery can take time as there are often many expectations with how we behave around others.”

It Gives You a New Perspective

Being able to see things in a different manner can open up a world of new possibilities. Time for yourself can help in that it gives you the chance to explore new interests. One example of this is discovering new music. Some things are best appreciated by oneself and this can vary from person to person. While it may take time to adjust to, there is a lot of fun to be had with discovering new hobbies along with reviewing other ones. The ability to see new perspectives is helpful as this can translate into other qualities such as empathy. This can also help for other communication-based activities such as debate or negotiation. Finding the right balance between time for yourself and time with others is needed as it can positively benefit your mental health.




Bringing Inpsiration Into Your Life


Self-Care And Positivity