Working On A Confident Mindset

Confidence can affect us in more ways than we might think. It can determine whether we're willing to take initiative or simply feel comfortable with being who we are. Learning how we can build a sense of confidence can give us the courage to make the most out of our lives, that's why today we want to see how we can do that.

Love Yourself For Who You Are Now

It's easy to get caught up in the ideal image of who you want to be. While self-betterment is admirable and worth doing, there are healthy boundaries we need to put in place with ourselves. One of these is not being obsessed with your future self and loving you for who you are now. Yes, there might be qualities that we aren't 100% proud of but that's okay. Certain things that might be viewed as a flaws could be our strengths depending on the context. One example of this might be stubbornness. Oftentimes viewed as a negative trait, being stubborn can help us stay true to the things we value along with helping us not be taken advantage of. Learning how to see ourselves in a better light can help us focus on accepting things while still finding ways to work on ourselves.

“While self-betterment is admirable and worth doing, there are healthy boundaries we need to put in place with ourselves.”

Only You Can Determine Your Self-Worth

Validation can be a tricky thing to understand at times. All of us want to feel a sense of love, acceptance, and belonging and we can often find this when we're in a positive environment or community. While these are important they can't be the defining thing that determines our self-worth since that's something only ourselves can do. Confident people are mindful of how their actions affect those around them but they don't let someone else's reaction affect their self-worth. It's important to remember that we can't make everyone happy which is all the more reason to not focus on people pleasing at the detriment of ourselves. Being able to prioritize your own needs comes first since we can't put our best foot forward unless we're taken care of.

“All of us want to feel a sense of love, acceptance, and belonging and we can often find this when we're in a positive environment or community.”

Be Willing To Change How You Think

Confidence doesn't always come naturally to us but the good side of this is that it can be learned. Similar to building charisma, confidence requires us to take time to work on but we need to be willing to change how we think to do so. Understanding our thoughts better is one way we can do this. Removing negative self-talk is a great example since it only serves to cloud our judgment and make us feel less than others. Being able to replace it with words of affirmation can help us retrain our brains to make more positive connections with our thoughts. Another benefit to changing how we think is that it can help us work on actions that better ourselves. Rather than simply feeling bad when stressed, we can instead take time to do something that helps us directly such as exercise or a creative outlet. Confidence is something any of us can work towards and it's worth doing to help us enjoy life more.




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