Decision-Making in Your Life

There are many decisions that we will have to make at some point in our lives. Some of them are much easier than others while certain decisions require a lot more thought. Today we want to discuss the process itself and how to make it more efficient.

How it Works

When it comes to decision-making there are a lot of different components to it. At first, it may seem like there are many emotions when it comes to figuring something out, and sometimes that is the case. Being able to identify a known problem for said decision is good as it can make us aware of what exactly we're working with. A good decision-maker recognizes that there are many different routes when it comes to this and considers their options. Being open to new ideas is key to decision making and this can make it easier to process information. In many cases, we will need to be mindful of what alternatives we have and how they can best help us. Eventually, we will need to act on our decision and then carefully review them afterward. An important thing regarding this is to be gentle with yourself and recognize that we are doing our best with the tools and resources we have.

“When it comes to decision-making there are a lot of different components to it.”

Common Areas

Some of the more common areas regarding decision-making are often seen in school and work. Our classes are one such example of this as the courses we take can affect our feelings toward them. Extracurriculars fall under this as well since these are usually done after class with different motivations behind them. Understanding the motivation behind a decision is one way to see where this occurs in our daily lives. For example, you may be more motivated to improve your grades which is why a study hall type of activity may appeal to you. Another common area where decision-making is more prominent is in regards to scheduling. There is only so much time in the day to do all the things we need to, and finding that balance is important.

“Some of the more common areas regarding decision-making are often seen in school and work.”

Being a Better Decision-Maker

While it may take some time, building up the skills to be a better decision-maker can help you immensely. Patience is one of the many qualities associated with this. Practicing patience can help us wait for the things we really want. Decision-making requires equal amounts of waiting while also being flexible enough to take an opportunity when the moment arises. This process allows us to see the value both in the present, past, and future. We can use our past experiences to help us with problem-solving in the present. We can use the present as a means of staying in the moment while also being mindful of our future. The decisions we make have an impact on our future and having this balance between our history and current state is good as it can help us be more informed with our choices.




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