Working Towards Your Passions

Our passions can drive us toward doing the things that we truly care about along with providing meaning for us. Today we want to talk about some practical ways to work toward this while also discussing why it’s so important.

Find The Right Mindset

Mentality is one of the most important things to work on when it comes to following your passions. Your mindset is something that affects the quality of your experiences alongside your motivation to get things done. One way to help with this is to determine whether you are goal-oriented, process-oriented, or a bit of both. Goal-oriented people find joy in being able to achieve the things they set out to do and use that as a driving force for change. Process-oriented people find enjoyment in the actual task at hand and use the bulk of their time and energy to focus on that. These aren't mutually exclusive however as we need elements of both in order to work towards the things we love. Mindfulness can help when it comes to this as it allows us to practice a greater awareness both with how we think and how our actions can work for us.

“Your mindset is something that affects the quality of your experiences alongside your motivation to get things done.”

Plan Things Out

Once we have a mindset that works and empowers us, we need to take the next step which is planning things out. Planning and organization are essential when it comes to working toward your passions as they can make things more concise. Planning allows us to write down our thoughts in a manner that supports a call to action. This call to action can range from either a perspective shift to sitting down and working toward the thing that you want to do. One example of this would be writing down a physical exercise routine and taking slow steps to work toward it. The important part about planning things out is to do it in a manner that doesn't overwhelm you. Being organized gives us the means to put down all of our thoughts in one place and carefully strive towards them.

“Once we have a mindset that works and empowers us, we need to take the next step which is planning things out.”

Practice Makes Perfect

The last major aspect of working towards your passions is to simply get started. Too often do we find ourselves overthinking things once we get past the planning phase. Being able to break past this is important as we can't improve until we try things for ourselves. One thing that can help is thinking about the early stages of this as a form of practice. Practice allows us to hone our craft and strive towards improvement. Finding the joys of getting better can lead to an overall higher sense of satisfaction and an appreciation for what you do. Doing the things you love can also be considered a form of work despite the enjoyment. The mastery of a skill can be fun as it demonstrates that you are capable of getting better at what you do. Our passions can fuel us and they can serve as motivation for our goals in life, it's simply a matter of finding a balance to strive toward them.






Putting Yourself First