Why Your Passions Matter

Having a sense of passion for the things you love is a reminder of all the good things in life. It's important to value your time since it's one of the most valuable resources you have. Making time for your passions is one of the best things we can do. Today we want to examine why that is and why it's worth doing at every stage of your life.

Hobbies That Make Us Happy

Free time after school is precious and we need to enjoy it to the best of our ability. Hobbies are one of the best things we can do since they're the cornerstone of our free time. Whether it's playing video games, making art, or watching movies, each hobby helps contribute to our well-being. It's good to have some form of a creative outlet as a hobby since it can function as a form of expression. Not only does this make us feel heard but it allows us to sort through our thoughts and feelings constructively. A physical hobby is worth having too since it allows us to take care of our health. Going for a good run after class can be cathartic and help us release stress while also enjoying the sights in our area.

“Free time after school is precious and we need to enjoy it to the best of our ability.”

Appreciating Your Education

Having a genuine appreciation for the classes you take is a great way to instill a sense of passion within school. It's not worth being on autopilot in school since it means we're missing out on all the great topics that are covered. Each class gives us the opportunity to learn about new things that we may genuinely love. Electives are a good way to help students find other things they're passionate about since they provide new avenues of learning. It's also good to think about all the skills you've learned in your classes since they can be applied to your passions as well. Time management for example helps us prioritize different areas of our lives so that we can be more efficient and spend more time on what we're passionate about.

“Having a genuine appreciation for the classes you take is a great way to instill a sense of passion within school.”

A Career Path We're Satisfied With

Something to consider during and after your academic journey is the career path you're leaning toward. It's valid to want to have a career that you're passionate about and it should be a factor when you consider how much of your life you spend doing that. College gives us ample opportunity to discover what we truly value and it's good to embrace that. With that said, our interests can change over time and that's okay. Staying flexible can help us learn new skills and work on other passions in the process. It's okay to find passion in areas outside of this since it helps us balance things so we don't depend entirely on one area of our lives for our well-being.




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