Why we Need to be Aware of Our Thoughts

Throughout the day there are so many thoughts we might have with some of them being relevant to what we have to do with others being more broad. Taking time to simply make room for thought can be good since it allows us to sit down and figure things out so we can improve our focus. Self-awareness can work wonders for us which is all the more reason why we need to be mindful of our thoughts.

Not All of Our Thoughts Have The Same Value

A thought can appear at a moment’s notice. Sometimes it can be the result of what we're experiencing. Recognizing that we aren't our thoughts can take time and in some ways, it can seem a bit contradicting. Why wouldn't we be our thoughts? They're part of our mind which is linked to ourselves. The important thing here is that not every thought has the same amount of weight or value to it. Thoughts that are self-deprecating aren't thoughts worth listening to since they only serve to make us feel worse. Likewise, thoughts that paint a better picture of ourselves than what our actions suggest are also not the best since they can lead to an increased ego. A better way to handle things is by being patient with ourselves while still being fair with how we've acted. The main benefit of this is that it teaches responsibility.

“The important thing here is that not every thought has the same amount of weight or value to it.”

Thinking And Feeling

Sometimes we might be so caught up in thinking about something that it can make us forget that our feelings are valid as well. A good example is thinking that something might not work out versus feeling confident to take on a new opportunity. One of these is based on logic while the other is based on emotion. While in many cases logic is the better option since it's backed by reasoning and facts, some decisions are best based on our emotions. A good example of this is having a positive moral compass since doing the right thing is tied to how we feel about a situation. It's worth asking ourselves not just what we think about things, but how we feel about things.

“Sometimes we might be so caught up in thinking about something that it can make us forget that our feelings are valid as well.”

Our Thoughts Can Empower Us

Self-empowerment plays a big role in our overall happiness and satisfaction in life. When we're in a good frame of mind, chances are that our thoughts will be more light and we'll feel more easygoing as a result. We want to listen to the thoughts that help us feel better since those are the ones worth giving value to. Positive thoughts allow us to take action and work towards the things we truly care about. It's important to acknowledge how we feel and not deny negativity when we feel that way. The key thing here is knowing when to move on from something that isn't helping us so that we can give our attention to the positive aspects of life.




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