Good Ways To Look At Happiness

Happiness is something we've talked about before and it can vary with how it's portrayed. Many of us have this idea that happiness is something that needs to be chased or that it's something that is our ultimate goal in life. It's healthy to review our mindsets now and then and today we want to apply that with happiness.

Appreciating Things Now

The problem with chasing happiness is that it implies that it's an ever-moving goalpost. Suffice to say, this isn't something we want to delay, we owe it to ourselves to appreciate the life we have now. Not everything is perfect but we shouldn't have that expectation. Some of us may be more fortunate in certain areas of our lives and these are the things we want to lean into when it comes to gratitude. One example of this can be the environment we're in. Being in a place where we feel genuine peace is incredibly valuable since it allows us to be ourselves without worry. Having a loving family and people you care about is also part of what makes life so wonderful. The relationships we cultivate give us a sense of comfort and community and it's largely in part with the effort we put into them.

“The problem with chasing happiness is that it implies that it's an ever-moving goalpost.”

It's A State Of Mind

Happiness can be determined by many things. For some people, it's representative of the quality of life that you have. For others, they equate happiness to satisfaction with their career. The key thing here is that it's multifaceted and it's good to balance out the different areas of our lives. When we're too focused on one thing, it can feel like we're neglecting other things we care about. It's necessary to do this to a degree but self-awareness can help bring ourselves back to reality when we feel it affecting our well-being. A good example of this is knowing when to change something. Doing something because it provides you with fulfillment or happiness is valid since it helps promote better mindfulness of our time. With that said, it needs to be tempered in reality since we don't want it to prevent us from trying things that can potentially make us happy.

“Happiness can be determined by many things.”

Valuing Your Life

All of the things we've experienced, our integrity as a person, and the way we view things all make us unique. For some people, self-love doesn't come as naturally and they may need to put in extra effort to value themselves. Looking at happiness as a sort of moral obligation is another method that can lead us down a better path. One way to see this is that the world is in a better place when we're fully able to take care of our needs and pursue the things that give us joy and meaning. This mindset helps us focus on self-actualization while still being aware of what's within our realm of control when it comes to happiness.




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