Handling Creative Blocks

Creativity is a positive source of energy that all of us will need to tap into at some point in our lives. Sometimes it can be effortless to do this while at other times it can be difficult. This is what's known as a creative block and if left unchecked it can make things challenging. Rather than let ourselves feel stuck today we want to try and find some ways to overcome these hurdles.

Taking Breaks

Breaks are an essential part of handling a creative block. When we're constantly forcing ourselves to do things that are creative, we might be burning ourselves out. This is important to recognize since we need to make space for taking our minds off things. Breaks help us recharge after a long day and can help us start fresh. Knowing what type of break you need can make a world of difference. A good meditative walk for example can get your body moving while also taking in the sights. This can help because it gets us outdoors and outside of our heads. Likewise taking time to meditate can help us when we need to be more introspective. This gives us the necessary quiet time needed to help sort our thoughts.

“Breaks are an essential part of handling a creative block.”

Understand Where You're Stuck

Self-awareness can help us immensely with creative blocks. Sometimes we don't know we're stuck until we look at how much time has passed. This can be tough since it can make us feel like we're not using our time properly. One way we can help with this is by practicing self-awareness. Rather than being lost in thought, we need to make a conscious effort to be mindful of the things around us. This can take time to build up but catching ourselves before we drift off into thought is important. Creative blocks can happen at unexpected times but understanding why and how this happens can help. Sometimes it can be because we're distracted by things. Other times it can be the result of stress. Being able to address these when they arise can make a world of difference.

“Self-awareness can help us immensely with creative blocks.”


When we hit a creative block one of the best things we can do for ourselves is brainstorm. This is the act of coming up with many different ideas and seeing what sticks. Similar to freewriting, brainstorming is something we want to do without worrying about any form of judgment. It's an exercise that can help us stimulate our minds while also seeing what we can get out of it. One way to do it is to write down all the different paths we can take for a creative project. It can be something along the lines of seeing what we want the tone of something to be or seeing how it's conveyed. Little things like this can make it easier for us to see the direction we want to go. While creative blocks can seem challenging to get past, we can use them as an opportunity to put out some of our best work.




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