Good Study Techniques For Different Learning Styles

Everyone has a learning style that they gravitate towards and understanding which one works best for you can make the process much easier. Each style focuses on a different element that makes it unique and in many environments uses a blend of them. Today we want to look at a few of the common learning styles and try to optimize them further.

Visual Learning

Many classrooms use visual learning through the use of PowerPoint and videos. The reason why this style is so effective is because it ties concepts to images and makes it much easier to remember them as a result. Things such as graphs can convey details in a streamlined format along with charts as well. A great study technique for this kind of learner is flashcards. Using each card as a means of covering different topics can change the typical study formula. Adding images to some of them can help with this. A great example of this can be using flashcards for learning a new language. Rather than use words to convey these ideas, using images on one side and the translation on the other serves a dual purpose. This approach helps keep things simple while having a reference point in the event we need it.

“The reason why this style is so effective is because it ties concepts to images and makes it much easier to remember them as a result.”

Auditory Learning

Class lectures are defined by the auditory learning style given that teachers spend a good portion of class time explaining different subjects. This learning style is helpful because it engages us through discussion and debate and helps to build different forms of communication. Auditory learning gives us the tools we need to succeed socially since we're incentivized to speak up and learn more through the use of discussion. A good study technique to help with this type of learning is using recordings to help reference prior information. Some classes allow students to record audio for lectures and this can save a lot of time when it comes to writing notes. Having this as a backup for notes can help students focus on certain points of a lecture better.

“This learning style is helpful because it engages us through discussion and debate and helps to build different forms of communication.”

Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic learning is built around a hands-on experience. This is seen with assignments that require us to be more creative such as making a vision board or science project. This learning style is great since there will be times in life when we'll need to take the initiative to fix something ourselves. A helpful technique to integrate this into your study routine is by adding movement in some way. Taking breaks to stretch or going for a walk to spark creativity can work wonders for productivity. Exercise is a form of kinesthetic learning since it requires us to be present with our movement. Sports classes fall under this since many of them teach us about proper techniques to stay safe while exercising. Each learning style brings with it knowledge that can be applied in other areas and it's worth trying to see how each can benefit us.




Reading For Enjoyment


Prioritizing Experiences