The Art Of Seizing The Day

Time is by far one of our most valuable resources since it gives us the ability to do so many things. When we're young that time can be used doing things that require more physical activity because of our health. It's worth taking time to enjoy every day since there are so many unique experiences and opportunities out there.

Be Intentional

Some days we might feel as if we're wandering and not really sure what we want to do or we might just lack direction. A good way to help with this is to be intentional with your actions so that they're in harmony with the things you value. Let's say you really enjoy watching movies for example. Setting aside time on a consistent basis to watch a movie on your backlog is part of seizing the day. It's about being aware of the time you have available and using it in a manner that helps you do the things you love. Intent is important since it provides us with a clear vision for us to work towards. It lets us ask ourselves what we can do to help make today more meaningful.

“A good way to help with this is to be intentional with your actions so that they're in harmony with the things you value.”

Stay Present

While it is good to plan for the future we need to make an active effort to stay present. The reason for this is that it helps us stay grounded in our current reality rather than one of many possibilities later on. The present is in many ways a gift since it's something we currently have and is a reminder for us to be grateful for where we are. Something to consider when thinking about the future is future responsibilities we might have versus the present where we may have more time for ourselves. This is crucial since it can be worth frontloading certain life goals due to us being in good health now. The present brings with it a sense of certainty and that's knowing what you'll be doing on that day since you have the choice to decide.

“While it is good to plan for the future we need to make an active effort to stay present.”

Embracing New Experiences

Finding fulfillment and having a sense of life satisfaction can be determined by so many things. For some people they may value consistency and stability whereas others may be seeking out new adventures. Experiences are what life is all about and seizing the day involves trying new things. It can be going for a walk in a safe park you've been wanting to see, studying somewhere you haven't been to before, or even spending time with a friend you've been wanting to know more. Life is exciting and there are a lot of things that can make each day unique. We might mix up our routines and try things in a different order or even opt to make a new schedule entirely. Being able to seize the day involves having a willingness to see all the great things life has to offer.




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