Tips For Staying on Top of Assignments

For many students it can be easy to procrastinate and let one’s assignments pile up. Granted, this isn’t the healthiest habit, for one’s grades or mental health. Here are a few tips to help you manage your workload and stay on track, while minimizing stress.


Have a Study Group

First and foremost, gather a group of people that are taking the same class as you and form a study group. Study groups are a great way to share ideas and spend time studying in a fun way. Not to mention, the biggest upside of study groups is that they hold you accountable. You are much more likely to read those 5 chapters in the course textbook, if you are supposed to meet up with a group of friends and review them. Not to mention, when studying in a group you can’t be getting distracted by your phone every five minutes, allowing you to get things done.

“You are much more likely to read those 5 chapters in the course textbook, if you are supposed to meet up with a group of friends and review them.”


Time Management

Good time management is an incredibly important tool to have as a student. If an assignment is due in a week, don’t wait until the last minute. Instead, try doing a small portion of the assignment each day. Chances are you won’t even feel this cutting into your time and you’ll have most, if not all, of the work done by the last day. Allowing assignments to pile up until the last minute does nothing but increase your stress and decrease the quality of your work.

“Allowing assignments to pile up until the last minute does nothing but increase your stress and decrease the quality of your work.”

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Make a Checklist

Furthermore, stay organized by creating a checklist. Note down all your pending assignments and check them off one by one as you get them done. Take the stress off of your mind and write down anything you might forget; keep this list in a safe, yet visible, place and refer back to it everyday. Not only will this help keep you organized, but it will give you a sense of accomplishment to watch the list grow shorter.

“Not only will this help keep you organized, but it will give you a sense of accomplishment to watch the list grow shorter.”


Make The Most of Your Time During Class

It can be easy to spend many hours of free time studying which is all the more reason to do that more efficiently. It is crucial that you pay attention when your teacher’s are teaching; this way you can understand the material in class rather than having to learn it on your own time. Moreover, if you have free class time or your teacher gives you time to finish homework, take advantage of it! You will thank yourself later when you realize you made huge progress during school and have time to relax afterward.

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Remember to Take Some Downtime

It’s important to be productive and efficient, however it is just as important for you to relax and do things for yourself. Take breaks in between working on assignments and don’t overwork yourself. A burned out mind won’t perform to its maximum potential. Being a productive and good student is about learning to balance school and personal time. High school is an overwhelming time, but never forget to look after and be kind to yourself.




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