Why Perspective Matters

Being able to see things from different angles is a useful life skill that can help us in many ways. Perspective allows us to do this in a manner that promotes other good qualities as well. Today we want to do a deep dive and talk about how perspective can help us.

Looking at The Bigger Picture

Sometimes when we see things, it can feel as if whatever we're experiencing is a big thing. Feeling this way is fine as our emotions are valid. One helpful way to think about this though is to try to look at the bigger picture. A good example of this is feeling nervous about an exam that you have to take. While it's easy to want to stress about it and be concerned, it's good to realistically assess how it plays into your life as a whole. Does succeeding or failing on a test affect your self-worth? Do you let things affect your overall sense of life satisfaction? If this is the case, we could be letting external things affect our emotional stability too much. While there are some events that can have longstanding effects on our lives, many of the things that occur often play a much smaller role in how things pan out. Being aware that we can improve at things along with recognizing how much control we have can help empower us to see things from a different lens.

“One helpful way to think about this though is to try to look at the bigger picture.”

Understanding There are Multiple Viewpoints

An important thing to consider about perspective is that there are as many ways to view things as there are people on this earth. While our point of view is valid, we need to also bear in mind that it isn't always correct. Some topics can have multiple ways to look at them and being able to understand how someone else feels about things has value. One example of this can be how someone views a conflict. One person might have small points that you agree with but you may not see eye to eye about everything. This is okay because the act of hearing someone else's perspective can give you insight into what they think about something. Being fair with hearing both sides of something matters because it can give you a more accurate point of view. In life, there will be many moments where this is the case, and formulating your own thoughts after seeing all the information can help.

“An important thing to consider about perspective is that there are as many ways to view things as there are people on this earth.”

Why it Matters

Perspective is one of the most powerful tools we have available. It can help pave the way towards forgiveness and healthier communication. It can give us the means of treating ourselves better and building awareness for the world around us. Perspective can give us a more accurate picture of the different elements within our lives. It can help us focus on self-development and build up empathy which we can use to relate to others better. Knowing when to trust your best judgment and when to take someone else's perspective can give us the knowledge needed to make better choices.




Handling Conflict

